Base Filter

A version of this document for releases prior to release-2023-07 is available here.

Base filters are used to filter the result set on a dashboard or a search modal. They can be visible (displayFilter) or invisible (all other types). Base filters are used in different places and have a common format to construct the filter query.

Filter Query Format

There are different places, where one can define base filter:

At all these places, one can use the same query format, e.g.

{key: 'contentType', term: 'regular'}

Learn more about the filter queries format here

Filter Query Examples

This are all available queryTypes which can be used to form a filter query.

// contentType {key: 'string', term: string || array}
{key: 'contentType', term: 'regular'}

// not contentType {key: 'string', term: string || array}
{not: {key: 'contentType', term: 'regular'}}

// documentType {key: 'string', term: string || array}
{key: 'documentType', term: 'article'}
{key: 'documentType', term: ['article', 'page']}

// language
{key: 'language', term: 'de'}

// ownerId
{key: 'ownerId', term: 1}

// dateRange
{key: 'updatedAt', range: {gte: '2023-06-21T07:55:00.000Z', lte: '2023-06-23T07:55:00.000Z'}}

// metadata
{key: '', term: 'bar'}
{key: '', exists: true}
{key: 'metadata.teaserImage.mediaId', exists: true}
  key: 'metadata.publicationDate',
  range: {gte: '2023-06-21T07:55:00.000Z', lte: '2023-06-23T07:55:00.000Z'}

// tasks
{key: 'metadata.proofreading.state', taskValue: 'pending'}
{key: '', taskValue: 'done'}

// reference
{key: 'references', term: ['document:123']}
{key: 'references', term: ['image:W8GRbmju4grG']}
{key: 'references', term: ['file:A7JRa4mS3xBQ']}
{key: 'references', term: ['video:P2rSblad3aUS']}

// state for the mediaLibrary
{key: 'state', term: 'active'}
{key: 'state', term: 'revoked'}

// userInTeam (Added in: release-2023-03)
{key: '', termPattern: '{{ userId }}'}

// term variables (Added in: release-2025-01)
// only supported by li-teaser and li-document-search
{key: '', termVariable: ''}

Example - Filter by metadata with key/value

baseFilters: [{key: '', term: 'bar'}]

This would filter for only documents that have the value bar in the metadata field foo. You have to make sure that foo is an indexed metadata field.

Example - Filter by metadata with objects

defaultQueries: [{key: '', term: 42}]

More complex metadata fields are indexed as an object (instead of key/value). In this case one can filter based on subproperties.

// This is how the metadata field has been indexed into the search index
  metadata: {
    author: {
      reference: {
        id: 42

This example would filter documents that have the value 42 in the metadata field author with properties You have to make sure that author is an indexed metadata field.

Example - Filter by task

defaultQueries: [{key: 'metadata.proofreading.state', term: 'requested'}]

This would filter for only documents that have had a successful proofreading. The core only exposes the proofreading task, but you can define your own custom tasks. The values are todo, doing, done for the 3 states that a task can have.

Example - Filter by metadata with dataType keyword for mediaIndex

baseFilters: [{key: 'metadata.transformed', term: true}]

This would filter for only transformed assets.

Example - Filter by document statistics

baseFilters: [
    and: [
      {key: 'statistics.componentCount.image', exists: false},
        or: [
          {key: 'statistics.characterCount', range: {gte: 1000}},
          {key: 'statistics.componentCount.paragraph', range: {gte: 3}}

This would filter for documents without an image, but with more than 2 components of name paragraph or +1000 characters. To query for documents without a component, use the exists: false notation instead of a range, since components with zero-counts are not indexed.