All of the following options concern the editor environment configuration files. These are typically located in config/environments/
. We list all available config options here where necessary with links to other pages.
Some of the editing features visible in the top toolbar when you are editing a document can be configured.
E.g config/environments/all.js
app: {
useSplitPane: true,
useSelectionMode: true,
useHistoryMode: true,
undoRedoButtonsAreEnabled: true
Insert Panel
Advanced Component Groups
Availability of advanced features such as component search and collapsable component groups.
The search is automatically activated if there are more than 8 components.
Properties Panel
Transform Component
Visibility of the “Transform Component” select menu can be configured.
app: {
editor: {
propertiesPanel: {
transformComponentEnabled: true
There are several configuration options concerning images.
Image service
See here
Image cropping
See here
app: {
imageMinWidth: 300,
imageMinHeight: 100
The image min width and height control if an image can be cropped or not.
Text Editing
See here
By default, the Livingdocs core supports embeds of type Iframe:
iframe default ratio
embeds: {
iframe: {
defaultRatio: 55
Iframes in Livingdocs use a special CSS trick to always be rendered in a given aspect ratio and scale automatically to the given width. In this way an iframe out of Livingdocs is never cut off at the sides. The default ratio of 55 is about a 16:9 aspect ratio. Use this formula to calculate the correct value for your custom default aspect ratio: (width / height) * 100
This setting only sets the default ratio, a user is given an interface to change the aspect ratio inside of the Livingdocs editor.
http: {
timeout: 10000
Allows you to configure after how much time a timeout should happen in calls from the editor to the server. 10 seconds by default. In milliseconds.
Third-party services
iframely: {
apiKey: '***',
apiUrl: ''
Iframely is used for 2 things:
- validating links that you enter in the text (see text editing)
- in combination with
to prefill component from metadata
Settings for Iframely
When you have your own Iframely account, you should disable this setting (red arrow) to prevent issues with link external link validation in Livingdocs.
See here
Document History
app: {
useHistoryRestore: true
The useHistoryRestore
option enables / disables the restore functionality in the document history, i.e. the ability to restore the opened document to an older revision.
See here
Keyboard Shortcuts
keyboardShortcuts: {
backspace: 'prevent backspace',
escape: 'esc',
enter: 'enter',
up: 'focus previous component',
down: 'focus next component',
'⌘+up, ⌃+up': 'move component up',
'⌘+down, ⌃+down': 'move component down',
'⌘+z, ⌃+z': 'undo',
'⌘+y, ⌘+shift+z, ⌃+y, ⌃+shift+z': 'redo'
The keyboard shortcuts allow you to customize which keys you want to use for common actions in Livingdocs. The actions (values) are fixed. You can define on which keys you want to execute the actions.
The following actions are supported:
prevent backspace
focus previous component
focus next component
move component up
move component down
delete component
insert middle dot
insert left guillemets
insert right guillemets
insert left double quotation mark
Added in:release-2024-03
insert right double quotation mark
Added in:release-2024-03
insert double low-9 quotation mark
Added in:release-2023-11
insert double high-reversed-9 quotation mark
Added in:release-2023-11
insert en space
insert four-per-em space
insert en dash
insert figure dash
Added in:release-2023-11
insert fract12
insert fract14
print interactive view
start multiselect mode
end multiselect mode
next card
highlights the next comment cardprevious card
highlights the previous comment card
Multi Select and Multi Text Select
Selecting multiple components at once allows editors to delete a bulk of components. Editors can select multiple components by dragging from outside of the component view.
The selection of text across multiple components by dragging inside of a text component is enabled by default but can be disabled in the editable settings:
app: {
editable: {
multiEditablesTextSelection: false,
Document Copy
app: {
copy: {
isEnabled: true
If the copy feature is enabled, it allows you to copy and transform documents.
Comments are a great way for editors to communicate about a text. To enable it, add the following block to your editor config:
comments: {
isEnabled: true,
defaultForDocumentType: {
article: true,
page: false
The defaultForDocumentType
section allows you to separately turn comments off for articles and pages.
It’s also possible to turn on/off Comments for a specific Content Type.
The notification feature needs to be enabled if the mentioned users should get a notification. Notification feature
Pin components
Pinning of components enables a pin icon next to a component card in the sidebar. When clicked the component is pinned according to the rules:
- if it is alone in a container it can not be moved, deleted nor can anything be moved or inserted before or after it (perfect for a fixed article header)
- if it is next to other components, it can not be moved nor deleted, but other components can be moved or inserted around it
pinComponents: {
isEnabled: true
Pinning is triggered by the position
property on the component. You can also pin components over the defaultContent
by setting the position
to fixed
in the JSON:
defaultContent: [
component: 'article-container',
containers: {
header: [
component: 'head',
position: 'fixed'
main: [{component: 'image'}]
The UI allows users to unpin or pin a component. If you want to enforce pinning just disable the UI (pinComponents
) and set the position
to fixed
programatically (e.g. by the default content).