This is an example of the current Elasticsearch search request body function to define your own search function for documents.
const _ = require('lodash')
// Creates an Elasticsearch query
// Use multiplication to combine time and query score
// Add a minimum function_score for old documents, otherwise it would
// multiply with 0 after 1000 days of linear boost
// @param {String} searchQuery 'hello world'
// @returns {Object} Elasticsearch body.query
module.exports = function (searchQuery) {
if (_.isEmpty(searchQuery)) {
return {
bool: {
must: [
function_score: {
query: {
bool: {
should: getBoolQuery(searchQuery)
functions: getFunctionsForScore(),
score_mode: 'max',
boost_mode: 'multiply'
const getBoolQuery = function (searchQuery) {
const trimmedSearchQuery = searchQuery.trim()
// exact match a
if (/^\d+$/g.test(trimmedSearchQuery)) {
const documentId = parseInt(trimmedSearchQuery)
return [getExactMatchDocumentIdQuery(documentId)]
// query has a quotation
const prefixQuery = stripQuotationOrReturnUndefined(searchQuery)
if (prefixQuery) {
return [getPhrasePrefixQuery(prefixQuery)]
// default
return [
function getFunctionsForScore() {
return [
gauss: {
'document.updated_at': {
scale: '14d',
decay: 0.5,
offset: '7d'
weight: 1
linear: {
'document.updated_at': {
scale: '1000d',
decay: 0.5,
offset: '0'
weight: 0.1
weight: 0.01
const getPhrasePrefixQuery = function (searchQuery) {
const boost = 1.0
return {
multi_match: {
boost: boost,
query: searchQuery,
type: 'phrase_prefix',
fields: ['document.title^3', 'document.html']
const getExactFieldsQuery = function (searchQuery) {
const boost = 100.0
const fieldsToQuery = ['document.title^5', 'document.html']
const tieBreaker = 0.3
return {
multi_match: {
boost: boost,
query: searchQuery,
type: 'best_fields', // take the score of the best field and ..
fields: fieldsToQuery,
tie_breaker: tieBreaker, // .. add 30% of the score of all other matching fields
operator: 'and'
const getFullTextQuery = function (searchQuery) {
const boost = 1.0
const fieldsToQuery = ['document.title^5', 'document.html']
const tieBreaker = 0.3
return {
multi_match: {
boost: boost,
query: searchQuery,
type: 'best_fields',
fields: fieldsToQuery,
tie_breaker: tieBreaker,
operator: 'or'
const getExactMatchDocumentIdQuery = function (documentId) {
return {
match: {
'': {
query: documentId
const stripQuotationOrReturnUndefined = function (searchQuery) {
const quotationRegex = /^"(.*)"$/g
const regexResult = quotationRegex.exec(searchQuery)
if (regexResult) {
return regexResult[1]
return undefined