Single Sign-On (SSO)


The Single sign-on feature, also known as SSO, allows you to:

  • signup: register a new user using one of their social account
  • signin: authenticate that user


In the following example we set different providers: Azure, Github, Google and Facebook.

  auth: {
    connections: {
      azure: {
        strategy: 'li-authentication-openid-connect',
        enabled: true,
        loginEnabled: true,
        registrationEnabled: false,
        connectionId: 'azure',
        issuer: '${tenantId}/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration',
        config: {
          clientId: '',
          clientSecret: '',
          // jwtContentFromSSOProvider is a openid-connect standard claim, for available properties see:
          extractGroupNames: async (jwtContentFromSSOProvider, groupsOfProject) => {
            return ['owners']
          // User will be created and logged into this project (enterprise use-case)
          defaultProjectHandle: 'daily-planet' // alternative 'defaultProjectId: 1'
        ui: {
          label: 'AD',
          icon: 'azure'
      google: {
        strategy: 'li-authentication-openid-connect',
        enabled: false,
        loginEnabled: true,
        registrationEnabled: false,
        connectionId: 'google',
        issuer: '',
        config: {
          clientId: '',
          clientSecret: '',
          // jwtContentFromSSOProvider is a openid-connect standard claim, for available properties see:
          extractGroupNames: async (jwtContentFromSSOProvider, groupsOfProject) => {
            return ['owners']
          // User will be created and logged into this project (enterprise use-case)
          defaultProjectHandle: 'daily-planet' // alternative 'defaultProjectId: 1'
        ui: {
          label: 'Google',
          icon: 'google'
      github: {
        strategy: 'li-authentication-sso',
        enabled: true,
        loginEnabled: true,
        registrationEnabled: true,
        connectionId: 'github',
        config: {
          scope: 'user:email',
          clientID: 'your-github-client-id',
          clientSecret: 'your-github-client-secret'
        ui: {
          label: 'Github',
          icon: 'github-circle'
      google: {
        strategy: 'li-authentication-sso',
        enabled: true,
        loginEnabled: true,
        registrationEnabled: true,
        connectionId: 'google',
        config: {
          scope: 'email',
          clientID: 'your-google-client-id',
          clientSecret: 'your-google-client-secret',
          callbackURL: ''
        ui: {
          label: 'Google',
          icon: 'google'
      facebook: {
        strategy: 'li-authentication-sso',
        enabled: true,
        loginEnabled: true,
        registrationEnabled: true,
        connectionId: 'facebook',
        config: {
          scope: 'email',
          profileFields: ['email', 'displayName'],
          clientID: 'your-facebook-client-id',
          clientSecret: 'your-facebook-client-secret',
          callbackURL: ''
        ui: {
          label: 'Facebook',
          icon: 'facebook'
  • strategy
    • You should be building upon li-authentication-openid-connect which builds upon the openid-connect (OIDC) standard. OIDC extends OAuth 2.0
    • li-authentication-sso builds on OAuth 2.0
  • connectionId is the provider handle
  • config can contain up to two “fixed” fields: scope and callbackURL, this is provider specific. The two other fields are clientID and clientSecret you can get those by creating an Oauth2 application at one of those external providers. For example to get those credentials from Github you have to go to Settings>Developer settings and then click on New Oauth App.
  • ui is only used by the editor to “draw” the actual signin and signup buttons.