Configuring Azure Blob Storage

For users who want to store their images, files and design assets in Azure Blob Storage container rather than on Amazon S3, we provide a separate storage strategy.

Setting up Azure Blob Storage

In order to integrate Azure Blob with Livingdocs, you need to make sure you have the following things set up properly:

Create Storage Account

  1. To create a new Storage Account go to your Azure Portal and search for Storage Account service. Azure Storage Account in Azure Portal

  2. Create a new Storage Account with + Create button. Create an Storage Account in Azure Portal

  3. Fill the configuration according to your needs (i.e. renduncacy, region) under basics tab. Create an Storage Account in Azure Portal

  4. In Advance tab, choose enable public access from all networks, to allow ImgIX access to the Storage Account. Create an Storage Account in Azure Portal

  5. In Review + Create tab, check the configuration matches your needs, then press Create.

Create Container

At least one container is needed to store your media documents. In the Storage Account left sidebar go to Containers, then create a new container using + Container button. Define your preferred name, access level and press Create. Create a container (Blob) in Azure Portal

Generate SAS Token

  • In the Storage Account menu, open Shared Access Signature (SAS) from the left sidebar. Then configure the settings as followed:
    • Allowed services: Blob.
    • Allowed resource type: Object.
    • Allowed permission: Read, Write, Delete, Add, Create.
    • Configure the start and expiry date according to your needs.

When the configuration is filled, press Generate SAS and connection string. Configure SAS Token in Azure Portal

  • Scroll down in the Shared Access Signature menu to find the newly generated SAS token. Use this SAS token in the Livingdocs Server configuration under sasToken.
Copy SAS Token in Azure Portal

Configuring the Livingdocs Server to use Azure Blob Storage as storage

In your local configuration, set the storage strategy to azure-blob-storage and add the container name and the Blob Service SAS URL from the Azure Storage Account settings:

  images: {
    publicUrl: '',
    storage: {
      strategy: 'azure-blob-storage',
      config: {
        storageAccountName: 'my-storage-account'
        sasToken: '?my-sas-token',
        containerName: 'my-container-name'
  files: {
    publicUrl: '',
    storage: {
      strategy: 'azure-blob-storage',
      config: {
        storageAccountName: 'my-storage-account'
        sasToken: '?my-sas-token',
        containerName: 'my-container-name'
  designs: {
    assets: {
      publicUrl: '',
      storage: {
        strategy: 'azure-blob-storage',
        config: {
          storageAccountName: 'my-storage-account'
          sasToken: '?my-sas-token',
          containerName: 'my-container-name'