Project Seeding API

The Project Seeding API provides a simple way to programmatically seed projects. A common use case might be to set up an example project.


Example: seeding.js

  users: [
      _importHandle: ':john',
      firstName: 'John',
      lastName: 'Doe',
      email: '',
      admin: true, // default false
      password: 'Secret-Phrase'
      _importHandle: ':clark',
      firstName: 'Clark',
      lastName: 'Kent',
      email: '',
      password: 'Secret-Phrase'

  projects: [
  // project with embedded design
    __recreateIfItExists: false,
    __update: true,

    handle: 'my-embedded-design-project',
    owner: ':clark',
    groups: [{
      label: 'Editors',
      policies: [
        {effect: 'ALLOW', action: 'document.create', contentType: '*'},
        {effect: 'ALLOW', action: '', contentType: '*'},
        {effect: 'ALLOW', action: 'document.update', contentType: '*'},
        {effect: 'ALLOW', action: 'document.publish', contentType: '*'},
        {effect: 'ALLOW', action: 'document.delete', contentType: '*'},
    groupMemberships: {
      'Editors': [':john'],
    config: require('./projects/service'), // the project config
    secrets: [{name: 'my-secret', value: 'super-secret'}]
  // project with reference design
    __recreateIfItExists: false,
    __update: true,
    handle: 'my-referenced-design-project',
    owner: ':john',
    groups: [],
    groupMemberships: {},
    channel: {
      designName: 'some-design',
      designVersion: ':some-version'
    config: require('./projects/website') // the project config
  // project with multi-channel configuration
    __recreateIfItExists: false,

    handle: 'my-multi-channel-project', // required
    owner: ':john', // required, the _importHandle of a user
    // user groups
    groups: [{
      label: 'Editors',
      policies: [
        {effect: 'ALLOW',  action: 'document.create', contentType: 'regular'},
        {effect: 'ALLOW',  action: '', contentType: 'regular'},
        {effect: 'ALLOW',  action: 'document.update', contentType: 'regular'},
        {effect: 'ALLOW',  action: 'document.delete', contentType: 'regular'},
        {effect: 'ALLOW',  action: 'document.publish', contentType: 'regular'}
    }, {
      label: 'Readers',
      policies: [
        {effect: 'ALLOW',  action: '', contentType: 'regular'}
    groupMemberships: {
      'Editors': [':john'], // :john is the '_importHandle' of a user
      'Readers': [':clark']
    channels: [{
      handle: 'web',
      label: 'Web',
      designName: 'my-design',
      designVersion: ':latest',
      // If staticConfig if provided the channel config will be
      // stored in the cache as well.
      staticConfig: 'web'
    }, {
      handle: 'print',
      label: 'Print',
      designName: 'another-design',
      designVersion: ':latest',
      staticConfig: 'print'
    secrets: [{name: 'my-secret', value: 'super-secret'}]


You can define users in two places:

  • In the seeding configuration under users(like in the example above)
  • In the conf/secrets/local.js file under development.users. This way you can define your own email and password


Project configurations can be of three types:

  • Multi-channel Configuration (where only referenced designs can be used)
  • Embedded design
  • Referenced design


  • Available scopes for groups
  • Available policy effects: ALLOW, DENY
  • Available policy actions: document.metadata.update, metadata.update, document.create,, document.update, document.delete, document.publish, dashboard.get

Group Memberships

  • The keys of groupMemberships are the group labels,
  • The values of groupMemberships are arrays with user _importHandle’s


Project Config


Secret values for usage inside a project. Example usage may be for API secrets of external services.


You can register an initialized hook.


// Setup Default Projects
liServer.registerInitializedHook(async function initSeeding() {
  const tasksApi = liServer.features.api('li-tasks')

  const defaultSeedingConfig = require('./seeding')
  try {
    // if 'useDevUsers' is true the users will be taken from the local.js file.
    // 'file' is used only for logging purposes.
    await tasksApi.setupProjects(defaultSeedingConfig, {
      useDevUsers: false,
      file: './example/seeding.js'
  } catch (err) {
    // continue server setup in case of an error