Attribute Based Access Control

Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) is an authorization strategy that defines permissions (read/write) based on attributes (e.g. metadata properties).

Alpha Stage

The implementation of ABAC is in an alpha stage and will change in the future. We might introduce more policies or even skip the feature again. Currently the config is defined on a group on the project access UI. It can also be defined within the seeding config.

Rules, actions and effects

Example Rule Configuration:

  effect: 'DENY',
  action: 'metadata.update',
  resource: {handle: 'proofreading', attribute: 'priority'}

There are the two effects ALLOW and DENY, which control whether you can execute an action on a resource.

This is the sequence of how the policy framework evaluates if an action is allowed or denied on a specific resource:

1. Group 1 - explicit ALLOW / Group 2 - explicit DENY -> return ALLOW
2. explicit ALLOW                                     -> return ALLOW
3. explicit DENY                                      -> return DENY
4. no rule defined                                    -> return ALLOW

Example of a policy config

With the following policy config a member of the group Reader is allowed to load the proofreading dashboard, but is not allowed to update a proofreading task.

// seeding config
  // ...
  projects: [
      // ...
      groups: [
        // ...
          label: 'Readers',
          scope: ['articles:read'],
          policies: [
            // effect - 'ALLOW' or 'DENY' - access based on an action and a resource
            // action - what kind of action you want to do
            // resource - where you want to execute an action
              effect: 'DENY',
              action: 'document.metadata.update',
              resource: {handle: 'proofreading', attribute: 'priority'}
              effect: 'DENY',
              action: 'document.metadata.update',
              resource: {handle: 'proofreading'}
            {effect: 'ALLOW', action: 'dashboard.get', resource: {handle: 'kanban-proofreading'}}

Supported actions

At the moment these actions are supported and will be evaluated client-side. All other policies are ignored and automatically result as ALLOW during an access request in the editor.

// Update a metadata field
// handle = metadata property name
  effect: 'DENY',
  action: 'document.metadata.update',
  resource: {handle: 'proofreading'}

// Update a property of a metadata field
// handle = metadata property name
// attribute = property of metadata field
  effect: 'DENY',
  action: 'document.metadata.update',
  resource: {handle: 'proofreading', attribute: 'priority'}

// Read access to a dashboard
// handle = dashboard handle
  effect: 'DENY',
  action: 'dashboard.get',
  resource: {handle: 'kanban-proofreading'}