Publish a Reference Design with ldm

For new setups, we recommend using Embedded Designs instead of Reference Designs. This guide applies only to Reference Designs.

To be honest, this process is a bit bumpy and lacks UI support. Please bear with us, we will make this super-easy for you in the future. For now though there are quite a lot of requirements.

In order to upload designs to Livingdocs you need the livingdocs-manager (short ldm) command line tool. In order to install it run:

npm install -g livingdocs-manager

Upload the design

Publish and set the new design with ldm and follow the instructions:

ldm design:publish dist/

If everything went well, your design is now available http://{livingdocsServerHost}/designs/{designName}/{x.y.z}. You should see the JSON design configuration file.

Note: {designName} and {x.y.z} can be found in src/config.json

If there are existing designs on your target server, make sure to use a unique name.

Activate the design

After uploading, the design is not automatically active. You first need to add it for your channels:

ldm channel:design-version:add --name {designName} --version {x.y.z} --channel 1

Set a current design version as default of a channel:

ldm channel:design-version:current --name {designName} --version {x.y.z} --channel 1

Note: {designName} and {x.y.z} can be found in src/config.json

New articles are now created with your new design.