Metadata Plugins

Example 1: Add a Metadata Field (Use Existing Plugins)

Say, we want to add a new metadata field “catchline” for articles. The catchline should be a simple text input in the publish view, editable by journalists.


You will first need to configure this in your server.

Configuration Example with a Default Plugin

metadata: [
    handle: 'catchline',               // Name of the metadata field
    type: 'li-text',                   // name of the metadata plugin
    config: {                          // config e.g. boundaries when saving values
      maxLength: 400
    ui: {                              // UI config for the editor
      label: 'My Catchline'

The metadata lives in the content-type config. You can for example add the above definition to the content-type file article.js to have a catchline metadata field on articles.

Some things to note:

  1. Livigndocs offers a wide range of native metadata plugins which are loaded by default. In our example we use li-text.
  2. Open the contentType configuration file you want to edit and add the catchline config from the example to the metadata configuration. The field catchline is now available in documents with this contentType.
  3. By default, metadata is only stored in the database. When you also want to be the metadata field searchable via public API’s publication search, you can read more here.

Example 2: Create your own Metadata Plugin

Let’s add your own metadata field slug.

A slug is a reader/SEO friendly text, used in a URL – example:

a-way-to-compare-schools is a slug.

An example of a slug form field on a metadata card in Livingdocs: Slug form metadata


  1. Define the custom plugin folder in the environment config (e.g. conf/environments/all.js).
metadataPlugins: path.resolve('./plugins/metadata')
  1. Activate the custom plugin in the contentType config. Attention: If there are metadataGroups defined in the contentType, you also have to add bp-slug to a group, otherwise you won’t see it in the editor later.
module.exports = {
  // ...
  metadata: [
      handle: 'slug',
      type: 'bp-slug',
      config: {
        required: true,
        requiredErrorMessage: 'please provide a slug'
      ui: {
        component: 'bpSlugForm',
        config: {
          label: 'Slug',
          placeholder: 'Set a slug'

This defines a metadata property slug (handle). It uses a custom metadata plugin (type) set to bp-slug. We are going to see later on, how to define this plugin.

There is also a custom component for the form in editor defined via ui.component. It describes how the editor displays the slug metadata.

This custom component is implemented with Vue and registered through the Vue Component Registry.

The bp prefix stands for one of our downstreams, named: boilerplate. You should prefix your metadata plugins to not clash with any potential components from Livingdocs.

  1. Add a new metadata plugin to ./plugins/metadata/bp-slug.js. Check the reference docs to find all validation and hook options.
module.exports = {
  name: 'bp-slug',

  storageSchema: {
    type: 'string'


In the editor we need to create the form defined in the metadata configuration: bpSlugForm.

Add app/metadata/bp-slug-form.vue to your editor files.

  <div class="bp-slug-form">
      class="ld-text-input ld-text-input--full-width"
export default {
  name: 'BpSlugForm',
  props: {
    value: {
      type: String,
      default: undefined
    handle: {
      type: String,
      required: true
    uiConfig: {
      type: Object,
      default: undefined
  computed: {
    placeholder() {
      return this.uiConfig?.placeholder || `Enter a ${this.handle}`
  methods: {
    handleInput(value) {
      this.$emit('input', value?.replace(/ /g, '-'))

Register your metadata plugin in app/editor.js.

  type: 'metadataPlugin',
  name: 'bpSlugForm',
  component: require('./metadata/bp-slug-form.vue').default
