Document Copy Flows

Added in: release-2024-09

See the Declarative Document Copy (Legacy) guide for details about the legacy feature used prior to release-2024-09.


Document Copy Flows provide a flexible way to create copies of documents. Copies can be cloned documents (if you return nothing from the function) or modified documents which can be of another content type, with different content and metadata.

Register a server function

Most of the logic for a copy flow will be defined within the copy function. You can register copy functions using the liServer.registerCopyFunctions method, which accepts an array of objects containing a unique handle and a copy function.

When the function is executed it is provided with the document being copied, the projectConfig which the document belongs to, the userId of the user which triggered the copy process, the params of the optional paramsSchema form completed by the user, and a context object which is defined within the project config later.

The function can return the following values: contentType, title, content, metadata, translations. If any of the properties are not returned in the response object then the values from the source document will be used to create the copy.

    handle: 'simpleCopy',
    copy ({document, projectConfig, userId, params, context}) {
      if (!context?.targetContentType) {
        throw new Error(`A 'targetContentType' was not provided`)

      const data = {
        contentType: context.targetContentType
        // title
        // content
        // metadata
        // translations

      // An example of merging values from the paramsSchema form into the document metadata
      if (Object.keys(params).length) {
        data.metadata = {
        for (const key in params) {
          const value = params[key]
          data.metadata[key] = value

      return data

Add document copy flow to projectConfig


Registering a copy flow for a project can be very simple. A unique handle property, a reference to the handle of the copy function, and the sourceLabel and targetLabel properties are required.

The sourceLabel and targetLabel allow you to specify the origin and destination context of the copy flow in a more user-friendly and descriptive way. These labels are especially useful for editors working with different content types, allowing them to better understand the starting point (source) and destination (target) of a copy operation. This provides more transparency to users by making it clear where the document is being copied from and to, particularly when multiple flows or different content types are involved.

  // ...
  editorSettings: {
    // ...
    documentCopyFlows: [
        handle: 'articleToArticle',
        copyFunction: 'simpleCopy',
        sourceLabel: 'original',
        targetLabel: 'copy',
        // copyButtonLabel will be generated using handle: "Simple Copy"
        // copyIcon will default to 'content-duplicate'


In order to customise the copy function further you can also customise the label, description and icon that appear in the UI. The label and description properties are translatable. It is also possible to define a paramsSchema using metadata plugins to prompt the user to input some additional data. The fields will be presented to the user in a form after they select the copy flow, and provided to the copy function in the params object. You can also set default values for the form using the defaultParams property. An additional property, context, can be used to pass data directly to the copy function. This can be useful in situations where you want to reuse the copy function for different scenarios.

  // ...
  editorSettings: {
    // ...
    documentCopyFlows: [
        handle: 'articleToArticle',
        copyFunction: 'simpleCopy',
        sourceLabel: {en: 'original article', de: 'Originalartikel'},
        targetLabel: {en: 'article copy', de: 'Artikelkopie'},
        copyButtonLabel: 'Duplicate Article',
        copyDescription: 'All content will be copied, and only some contextual metadata will be cleared',
        copyIcon: 'file-document',
        paramsSchema: [
            handle: 'dataProviderEnum',
            type: 'li-enum',
            ui: {
              label: 'Data Provider Enum'
            config: {
              dataProvider: {
                items: [
                  {label: {en: 'Item A', de: 'Einheit A'}, value: 'a'},
                  {label: {en: 'Item B', de: 'Einheit B'}, value: 'b'},
                  {label: {en: 'Item C', de: 'Einheit C'}, value: 'c'},
                    label: {en: 'Item D (default)', de: 'Einheit D (default)'},
                    value: 'd',
                    isDefault: true
        defaultParams: {
          dataProviderEnum: 'd'
        context: {
          targetContentType: 'regular'

Enable copy flow in contentTypeConfig

Finally, you need to enable the copy flow for each content type that should be able to use it. To do this you provide a reference to the copy flow you defined in the project config by using the handle as the value for the useDocumentCopyFlow property.

  handle: 'regular',
  // ...
  documentCopyFlows: [
      useDocumentCopyFlow: 'articleToArticle'
Once a document copy flow is defined for a content type then the legacy declarative document copy and transform options will no longer be available.