Document Creation Flow


With a Document Creation Flow you can configure how a document gets created:

  • Define a create button (only supported for Table Dashboards)
  • Define fields on the document creation modal
  • Register a create function to parse the data which creates the document


With this walkthrough we show you how to define a Document Creation Flow.


Add a Document Creation Flow to the ProjectConfig

projectConfig.editorSettings = {
  // define a create flow which will be used later on the dashboard 'articleSimple'
  documentCreationFlows: [
      handle: 'breakingNews',
      // register a createFunction with liServer.registerCreateFunction() (later in the guide)
      createFunction: 'breakingNews',
      createButtonLabel: 'Create Breaking News',

      // shows title and urgency field in the create modal
      // the config is the same as for metadata plugins
      paramsSchema: [
        {handle: 'title', type: 'li-text'},
        {handle: 'urgency', type: 'li-number'},

      // values passed to paramsSchema fields as initial value
      defaultParams: {
        urgency: 5

      // additional info for your createFunction
      context: {
        projectType: 'flex'
  dashboards: [
      handle: 'articlesSimple',
      type: 'tableDashboard',
      pageTitle: 'Articles',
      baseFilters: [
        {key: 'documentType', term: 'article'}
      displayFilters: ['timeRange'],
      sort: '-updated_at',
      columns: [
          label: 'Article',
          minWidth: 375,
          growFactor: 2,
          priority: 1,
          componentName: 'liTableDashboardCellMain',
          componentOptions: {
            image: {
              metadataPropertyName: 'teaserImage'
            clampTitle: false,
            showContentType: true
      // use the previously defined Document Creation Flow
      // to be applied to the dashboard
      documentCreationFlows: [
        {useDocumentCreationFlow: 'breakingNews'}

When you go to the dashboard in the editor, you will see a “Create Breaking News” button.

Register createFunction

The first step defined a creation flow with flexible data (paramsSchema, context). Now you need to register a createFunction to define how your data gets parsed and how the document will be created.

Let’s register the createFunction: breakingNews, the one you defined in the dashboard config before. We have a few goals with our function:

  • apply Project Config defaultMetadata to metadata
  • apply the custom fields from the editor create modal to the metadata (title + urgency)
  • apply context data to metadata (projectType)
liServer.registerInitializedHook(async () => {
    handle: 'breakingNews',

    // params and context are coming from Document Creation Flow
    // and can differ from flow to flow
    async create({projectConfig, userId, params = {}, context = {}}) {
      // you should validate params/context and you can throw an error
      if (!context.projectType) throw new Error("context 'projectType' is required")
      const contentType = context.projectType === 'flex' ? 'flex' : 'regular'

      const title = params.title || `Untitled`

      const metadata = {
        urgency: params.urgency,
        projectType: context.projectType

      // response format of the registered create function
      return {
        // mandatory properties of return object
        // optional properties of return object
        content: [],                                  // default: []
        metadata,                                     // default: {}
        designVersion: '1.0.0',                       // default: project designVersion
        metadataSource: {},                           // default: {}
        translations: []                              // default: []