Review Task

This guide will show you how to add a custom review task. If you want to know how to add a custom proofreading tasks, you can read more here

The screenshot below shows the task in question.

Custom Task

Basic information about tasks

  • You can add as much tasks as you want (additionally to the review task)
  • A task has 3 states: requested, accepted, completed.
  • A task can be configured individually on the server.

Server plugin

On the server we need to configure a new metadata field review (more about metadata fields you can read here)

metadata: [
    // metadata field name
    handle: 'review',
    // plugin
    type: 'li-task-v2',
    config: {
      label: 'Review',
      showInTaskList: true,
      // define custom task icon
      icon: 'flashlight',
      // define beforeLabel/afterLabel of the 3 states requested/accepted/completed
      requested: {
        beforeLabel: 'Request review',
        afterLabel: 'Review requested'
      accepted: {
        beforeLabel: 'Begin review',
        afterLabel: 'Started with review'
      completed: {
        beforeLabel: 'Finish review',
        afterLabel: 'Review finished'