Image Services


Livingdocs has built-in support for image optimization ensuring images are responsive and served efficiently across different devices. When an image is uploaded to Livingdocs, it is stored in its original form. Then, as needed, Livingdocs interfaces with an image service (such as imgix) to dynamically crop or resize images according to specified parameters.

There are 3 parts involved in image management:

  1. The storage of the images Uploaded images are stored in a configurable key value store (e.g. Amazon S3).
  2. The delivery through a SaaS image service (imgix or a custom one).
  3. The render strategies to create HTML markup (e.g. an img tag with a srcset attribute).


The storage of choice for Livingdocs is Amazon S3, a bucket can be set up in the server configuration like this:

mediaLibrary: {
  images: {
    // base url of the storage
    publicUrl: '',
    // Storage Configuration
    storage: {
      strategy: 's3',
      prefix: 'images/' // optional prefix for the storage key
      config: {
        bucket: 'livingdocs-images-development',
        region: 'eu-central-1',
        secretAccessKey: '****',
        accessKeyId: '****'

You can also configure your own image storage:

mediaLibrary: {
  images: {
    proxy: {
      url: ''

This will route image upload requests from Livingdocs to your chosen URL instead of S3. For details please see the reference documentation for the server configuration.


Images are delivered via a web service that utilizes a URL pattern. Out of the box, Livingdocs supports imgix.

To use imgix you have to create an account and configure your server as described further down in this document.

You can also use other image services as described at the end of this document.

Computing the image URL in the delivery

March Release Image Services and how to use them in the Delivery

With the new image format Added in: release-2024-03 we have introduced a key property next to the originalUrl. This can be used to compute the path to the file on storage.

The image object will now look like this:

  "key": "2024/01/23/0a704a7b-18fc-4a74-a31b-9fbf0ae7beb3.jpeg",
  "width": 2048,
  "height": 1329,
  "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
  "focalPoint": {
    "x": 600,
    "y": 250
  // This is the default crop for the image
  "crop": {
    "x": 400,
    "y": 100,
    "width": 1200,
    "height": 800,
    "name": "desktop"
  "crops": [
      "x": 400,
      "y": 100,
      "width": 1200,
      "height": 800,
      "name": "desktop"
      "x": 500,
      "y": 200,
      "width": 600,
      "height": 800,
      // this comes from image directive config on a
      // component in the project config
      "name": "mobile"
  // do not use in future
  "originalUrl": "",
  // do not use in future
  "url": "",
  // do not use in future
  "imageService": "imgix"

Before release-2024-03 we have the url in the image which has a default crop applied. This is not useable as it is only a default crop. We then have the srcSets which have hard coded cropped Urls.

In the long term, we want to get rid of any hard coded URls.

As of the March release the delivery can use the key to calculate the path to the file on storage. This means no more hard coded URLs and you have the ability to change image services and use signed URLs.

Until you can use the key you need to use the originalUrl and calculate the resizing based on the width and height in the crop objects.

In our framework we have a function to get the URL from teh original URL which we provide here to help in the delivery:

const md5hex = require('blueimp-md5')
const keyRegex = /^(?:https?:\/\/[^/]+\/|\/)?\/?([^?]+)/

function getUrl(
  value, // original URL
  {crop, width, originalDimensions, focalPoint},
  {preferWebp, host: targetHost, stripPathPrefix, secureToken}
) {
  let key = keyRegex.exec(value)?.[1]
  if (stripPathPrefix) key = key.replace(stripPathPrefix, '')

  let query = ''
  if (crop) query += getCropPathPart(crop)
  if (width) query += `&w=${width}`
  if (preferWebp) query += `&auto=format`

  // add signature s=<signature> to searchParams
  // s must be on the last position!
  if (secureToken) {
    query += `&s=${md5hex(`${secureToken}/${key}${query.replace('&', '?')}`)}`

  return `${targetHost}/${key}${query.replace('&', '?')}`

const getCropPathPart = function (c) {
  return `/C=W${c.width},H${c.height},X${c.x},Y${c.y}`

We recommend having an srcSet configured in your delivery, as the srcSet in Livingdocs is in the database and exists for all images that are created when it’s available - so even changing it in Livingdocs does not change the data.

Render Strategies

You can choose different render strategies for how an image should be rendered in HTML.

Example of an image with a srcset attribute:

  srcset=" 1024w,   620w

A div with a data attribute meant to be processed by a client-side script.


There are many more ways how an image can be rendered. And if you miss a strategy please get in touch.

Why image services? - Some Background

You might be wondering as to why Livingdocs relies on an image service in the first place, rather than directly embedding Amazon URLs into the src attribute of an img tag. There are two primary reasons for this approach:

  1. cropping
  2. different image widths (sizes) for different devices

The first reason is easily explained. Livingdocs provides an image cropping tool ( in the editor which allows users to crop their images and change the aspect ratio. However, the Livingdocs server does not generate these different versions of the image and deliver them. Instead, it gives this responsibility to a web service such as imgix. Currently, Livingdocs expects that a web service takes the cropping information in the form of a URL parameter (example of imgix). This is the case for all services we know of.

The second reason for using an image service is to have images that are responsive. Put simply, you don’t want to download a 5 Megapixel image on your mobile phone. Instead you want a website to be “smart” and download the image in such a size that the resolution is perfect for your device but the size is just as large as need be.

Livingdocs support different strategies for responsive images:

  1. srcset images
  2. script-based plugin

The first approach uses an images srcset attribute. A good article on the topic can be found here. The srcset attribute is supported by all major browsers.

Srcset only works for inline images (img tag). If you use a background image, you can currently set a max width. Read here on why srcset does not work for background images.

The second approach expects you to provide client-side javascript which runs in the reader’s browser, detects the respective device size and requests the optimal image for this size.

So, in summary the whole process looks like this:

  • A user uploads an image to the Livingdocs editor,
  • the corresponding file is stored on S3 and
  • the URL to the file is made available on the component as the originalUrl.
  • Livingdocs chooses the image service for generating the HTML markup in the document that is shown in the editor. (The image service to be used is configured via selectedImageService. Let’s say imgix is configured.)
  • Livingdocs loads the imgix_image_service and calls the set method which will generate an img tag with a URL that fits the imgix url specification (
  • Finally, the browser then renders the image by querying imgix for the respective image.

Configuring an image service

You need to configure your image service in the server. You add the configuration for one or more image services as well as the selected image service.

Below we’ll outline the configuration for Imgix.

Server Configuration

documents: {
  selectedImageService: 'imgix',
  imageServices: {
    imgix: {
      host: '',
      preferWebp: true, // default: true
      secureToken: '<your-token>' // optional

The selectedImageService field tells Livingdocs which image service should be used. The imageServices contains the configurations for one or more image services.

You can in theory configure several images services in the server, but as of now only one can be active (the selectedImageService).

The host is simply where your imgix images are served from. If preferWebp is set to true Livingdocs will pass the auto=format parameter. When the optional property secureToken is set, the images are secured.

Backwards compatible image rendering server config

Until all your designs contain a mediaRendering config you should keep the backgroundImage and srcSet in your server configuration.

documents: {
  selectedImageService: 'imgix',
  imageServices: {
    imgix: {
      host: '',
      preferWebp: true,
      backgroundImage: {
        maxWidth: 2048
      srcSet: {
        defaultWidth: 1024,
        widths: [
        sizes: ['100vw']

Images in the Metadata of a Document

Images in the metadata have a similar format to images in the document and use the same image service.

Metadata fields of type li-image will contain the srcset in a specific crop, but not in the root. The reason for this is that you normally want teaser images in a certain crop and it is not possible to have the metadata definition for the image without a crop definition.

An example:

metadata: {
  teaserImage: {
    originalUrl: '',
    url: '',
    width: 1760,
    height: 791,
    imageService: 'imgix',
    crops: [
        url: '',
        name: '16:9',
        x: 177,
        y: 0,
        width: 1406,
        height: 791,
        srcSet: [
              url: '',
              width: 2048
              url: '',
              width: 1024
              url: '',
              width: 620
              url: '',
              width: 320

The srcset information is useful when you want to have responsive images in your overview pages or embeds (doc-include directives). In such a case you could render the doc-include HTML in a server-side plugin (template). This plugin will not use the Livingdocs framework to render thus your configured srcset will not be automatically applied. You can though use the information on the metadata field to apply it manually in the template.

An example template:

module.exports =
<a href="<%= article.url %>">
  <div class="teaser__img-wrap">
      src="<%= article.teaserImage %>"
      srcset="<%= article.srcSet %>"
      sizes="(min-width: 1024px) 100vw, 50vw"

You apply the srcset attribute manually in your doc-include template. Note also that we prefer here to write the sizes attribute directly in the template. This makes sense since the template knows best how the responsive behavior should be.

Integrate your own image service

Important: You will have to add image services to both your server and editor!

An image service in Livingdocs is basically a url transformer allowing you to proxy image requests through a ‘real’ image service like imgix and write params to the url dynamically. For example, to define the width or crop of an image.

We support the setting of allowed or disabled mime types which defines which mime types the custom image service will handle but does not stop upload in the editor itself. This is for cases where you want to use different image services for different mime types.

Example of registering an image service:

const myImageService = {
  name: 'myImageService',
  hasBrowserPlugin: true,
  supportsCrop: true,
  supportsWidth: true,
  supportsVideoConversion: true, // default: false
  // Either allowedMimeTypes or disabledMimeTypes can be defined.
  // If you define both of them, disabledMimeTypes will be ignored.
  // If neither is defined, all mime types will be handled by this service
  allowedMimeTypes: ['image/jpeg', 'image/png'],
  disabledMimeTypes: ['image/gif', 'image/webp'],

  // This is not a real-world example. It just rewrites
  // the url to go through and embeds the width
  // and image url in the path of the generated url.
  getUrl: function (imageUrl, {crop, width, originalDimensions}) {
    imageUrl = imageUrl || ''

    return `${width}/${imageUrl}`
  // Return an image url without any cropping applied. This is used
  // e.g for the cropping interface. This is not a real-world example neither,
  // it just rewrites the url to go through
  getUncroppedUrl: function (imageUrl) {
    imageUrl = imageUrl || ''

    return `${imageUrl}`

const livingdocs = require('@livingdocs/framework')

In practice we recommend to create a separate npm package to share your image service between a downstream server and editor:

const myImageService = require('@yourOrg/myImageService')
const livingdocs = require('@livingdocs/framework')