Release Notes: November/December 2017 Release


This release consists of the following new versions of the livingdocs-server and livingdocs-editor:


Livingdocs Server

How to require the server in your package.json:

"dependencies": {
  "@livingdocs/server": "64.0.4",

Livingdocs Editor

How to require the editor in your package.json:

"dependencies": {
  "@livingdocs/editor": "25.3.4",

Breaking Changes

ServerBREAKING CHANGEServer-wide hook registration and new prepublishHook Read more#1740#1633
EditorBREAKING CHANGERemove metadataConfigService Read more#1726-
Application wideBREAKING CHANGEMove image service config to the server only Read more#268, #1708, #1746#1532

Server-wide hook registration and new prepublishHook

The behaviour of registerPublicationHooks changes. It allows registering a publishHook and unpublishHook on a channel.

  • Before: any subsequent call to registerPublicationHooks for the same channel would simply override/replace the already registered hooks for this channel.
  • From now on: subsequent calls add the hooks to the list of hooks that are run during (un)publication. They are executed in the same order as they get registered.

New param prepublishHook to registerPublicationHooks

  projectHandle: 'daily-planet',
  channelHandle: 'some-channel',
  prepublishHook (documentVersion, callback) { callback(null, documentVersion) },
  publishHook ({documentType, payload}, callback) { callback() },
  unpublishHook ({documentType, payload}, callback) { callback() }
}, done)

API changes

   projectHandle: 'daily-planet',
   channelHandle: 'some-channel',
+  prepublishHook (documentVersion, callback) { callback(null, documentVersion) },
   publishHook ({documentType, payload}, callback) { callback() },
   unpublishHook ({documentType, payload}, callback) { callback() }
 }, done)

Remove metadataConfigService

Removed the angular service metadataConfigService.

You can replace:

  • metadataConfigService.getConfig with editor.workspace.metadataForm.getFormConfig.
  • metadataConfigService.getService with editor.workspace.metadataForm.getService.

metadataConfigService is an internal service, but was used by some customers. editor.workspace.metadataForm is an internal service too, but is currently the only alternative to have the same effect.

Move image service config to the server only

We removed the default configuration Here is an example how to manually set the shaSecret in the server should you need it:

  documents: {
    imageServices: {
      'sz': {
        host: '',
        shaSecret: 'please-change-me-in-the-server-configuration',
        hashVersion: 1,
        srcSet: {
          defaultWidth: 1280,
          widths: [2048, 1280, 980, 720],
          sizes: ['(max-width: 980px) 80vw', '(max-width: 720px) 100vw', '60vw']

Here is an example change for the image service:

Remove the imageServiceConfig key in the editor’s configuration, from:

    imageService: ''
      host: ''
      quality: 75
      scriptUrl: '//'


    imageService: ''

Make sure to replicate the configuration you removed from the editor in the server, like:

  documents: {
    imageServices: {
      '': {
        host: '',
        quality: 75,
        scriptUrl: '//'

Public API

ServerFeatureAdd publications resource to public API Read more#1664#1552
ServerFeatureMake channelHandle optional in Public API Read more#1688#1599
ServerBugfixGet default Channel Id from Project config if neither handle nor id available#1749#1641
ServerFeatureReturn menus with document IDs when routing is disabled#1674#1580
ServerFeatureAdd ServerApi method destroy() Read more#1690-

Add publications resource to public API

We are adding a new /documents/latestPublications endpoint in Public API.


?fieldsstringNoComma-separated list of fields that each publication should represent in the response. Default: systemdata,metadata,content
?limitintNoMaximum number of publications to be returned. Default: 100
?afterintNoReturn publications after this publication id (used for pagination).


A response with the default parameters has the following structure:

    "systemdata": { ... },
    "metadata": { ... },
    "content": [ ... ]
    "systemdata": { ... },
    "metadata": { ... },
    "content": [ ... ]
    "systemdata": { ... },
    "metadata": { ... },
    "content": [ ... ]

A single publication might look like this:

  "systemdata": {
    "projectId": 1,
    "channelId": 1,
    "documentId": 1,
    "documentType": "article",
    "layout": "regular",
    "design": {
      "name": "timeline",
      "version": "1.1.0"
  "metadata": {
    "title": "a title",
    "description": "some lead",
    "dependencies": {},
    "test": {
      "callCount": 3,
      "message": "li-test called 3 times",
      "events": [
  "content": [
      "id": "doc-1b8i1ksh10",
      "identifier": "timeline.head",
      "content": {
        "title": "a title",
        "text": "some lead"
      "id": "doc-1b8i1ksh20",
      "identifier": "timeline.normal",
      "content": {
        "caption": "my caption"
      "styles": {
        "position": "left"
      "id": "doc-1b8i1ksh30",
      "identifier": "timeline.p",
      "content": {
        "text": "first paragraph"
      "id": "doc-1b8i1me1d0",
      "identifier": "timeline.p",
      "content": {
        "text": "second"
      "id": "doc-1b8i1mfei0",
      "identifier": "timeline.p",
      "content": {
        "text": "and third one. :)"

The structure of a single publication is analogous to the response of the /documents/:documentId/latestPublication endpoint without renditions.


As opposed to other functions in the Public API, this one isn’t aware of custom channels and always returns publications from the default channel.


400 - Specified Limit exceeds maximum.Specifying a limit of more than 100 will return a HTTP 400 error

Make channelHandle optional in Public API

We’d like users of the Public API to not need to handle channels since there’s probably going to be one channel per project anyway. In this first step we’re going to make the channelHandle optional, other than that, the API is going to behave as usual.

API Token changes

The API token now holds the default channel id as well. E.g. in the public API controller we now can do:

getChannel (req, res) {
  const projectId = req.verifiedToken.projectId
  const channelId = req.verifiedToken.channelId
  // ...

Public API changes

  • /channels/:channelHandle? -> publicApi.getChannelConfig ({projectId, channelId, channelHandle}, callback)
  • /publicationEvents/:channelHandle? -> see PublicationEventsRepository below
  • /routing/:channelHandle? -> publicApi.getRoutesForChannel ({projectId, channelId, channelHandle, path}, callback)
  • /menus/:channelHandle?' -> publicMenuApi.getMenus: ({projectId, channelId, channelHandle, menuHandle}, callback)

/resource/ and /resource are now valid routes - i.e. /channels/ and /channels.


getByChannelId({projectId, channelId, limit, after, documentType}, callback)

This new function works analogous to getByChannelHandle. It returns a list of publication events. It takes channelId as a parameter instead of channelHandle.

Configuration changes

There are no changes in the configuration.


*# 1 The Public API controller now makes one additional call to fetch the project configuration in case the channelHandle is missing, We don’t know about performance impacts yet, but this is certainly a point of interest. One way to mitigate the impact on performance is to assign the default channelHandle to the users’ tokens.

# 2 The default channel id is now kept in the user’s API token. This saves us one roundtrip to the database.

Add ServerApi method destroy()

The liServer gets a new method destroy() that can be called before exiting the process. The goal of the destroy() method is to stop listening on ports and finish outstanding requests.

destroy() will be called automatically if registerShutdownHandlers: true is passed when creating the liServer.

Example of how to manually call destroy():

const Server = require('@livingdocs/server')
const liServer = Server(require('../conf'))

// New method
process.on('SIGTERM', function (err) {
  liServer.destroy((err) => {


EditorBugfixConfiguration for the maximum amount of selectable items in multi-select#1736-
EditorFeatureHandle the new Metadata Configuration Format in the editor#1718#1583


ServerFeaturePrometheus routes indexer metrics Read more#1678, #1689#1570
ServerBugfixFix group duplicated entries in group table#1725#1626
ServerBugfixHandle repeated drag-and-drop imports properly Read more#1723#1613, #1614
ServerBugfixEscape HTML entities for non-body fields Read more#1744-
EditorFeatureAllow linking to an external site in the main menu#1732-
EditorFeatureInline error messages for metadata screen Read more#1753#1491
EditorFeatureAs an editor I want to set an anchor link#1704#1472
EditorBugfixOnly show active groups in “Add Member” screen on project#c2b89c3-
ServerBugfixDon’t unescape HTML entities on import#1742-
Server, EditorBugfixRespect ^release- instead of ^maintenance-#1748, #1764-
EditorBugfixAvoid hiding of floated elements in Proofreading UI#1596-
ServerBugfixThe DocumentVersion passed to metadataApi.updateOnUpdate() has an old revision#1714#1617
ServerBugfixEscape all &s in text instead of just the first occurrence#1733-
ServerBugfixProperly parse prometheusExporter__enabled#1713-
Server, EditorFeatureAdd codeship integration test configuration for downstreams#1706, #1745-
ServerBugfixAdd fatal log level to the list of valid levels#1691-
ServerBugfixEscape ampersands from hugo sources#1677#1549
ServerFeatureMigrate render pipeline lib to js#1686-
EditorBugfixUse headless chrome for tests#1711-
EditorBugfixHide Metadata on Publish Panel When There is no FormArrangement Config#1713-
EditorBugfixaddTask method invocation#1725-

In detail

Inline error messages for metadata screen

We’ve updated the documentation regarding the feature: and

Handle repeated drag-and-drop imports properly

Whether a document is imported automatically (Bluewin) or via huGO drag and drop (NZZ), it makes use of the Import API. This API creates (or in the case of Bluewin sometimes updates) a document and then stores it. A log entry is written to the imports table which looks like the following:

2hugo-resourcearticleAgency-23648031152017-11-24T17:02:00.000+01:002017-11-24 16:16:32.477+002017-11-24 16:35:43.606+001153

There’s a unique-constraint on external_id. For Bluewin we need to make sure that each article is imported only once and in this case the log is append-only.

For NZZ it’s different: A huGO article might be imported multiple times. In case of a repeated import the log entry is simply forgone. As a consequence the issue in the linked issues arrises: When re-importing an article, the first document that remains referenced in the log entry is returned to the editor (the re-imported document has been correctly created and is visible in the dashboard). The issue is fixed for NZZ as well.

ImportAPI approach: import() creates new ImportLogs when shouldCreateNew is true

When shouldCreateNew is set to true then the ImportAPI creates separate ImportLogs for each Import. This solves all issues described above. The system_name is set to null in the drag-and-drop case so the unique constraint on the database doesn’t apply and duplicate recognition still works for the automatic importer in the Bluewin project where the system_name is always set. The unique constraint also has been enhanced to include channel_id in addition to system_name and external_id.

Enable publications endpoint

The new endpoint gets a list of publications supported by the layout engine for display and selection in the editor. Previously the publication for a print article was hardcoded in the editor.

Prometheus routes indexer metrics

New Server Config:

prometheusExporter: {
  enabled: true,
  port: 9020,
  collectDefaultMetrics: true

More info and docs on metrics: Prometheus Docs: Client library used:

Metrics Examples

Examples for a Counter, Gauge and Histogram:

const metrics = require('./app/modules/metrics')
const namespace = 'livingdocs_routing_indexer'

const cacheErrors = metrics.createCounter({
  name: `${namespace}_errors_total`,
  help: 'Number of fatal errors'

const cacheWarmed = metrics.createGauge({
  name: `${namespace}_cache_warmed`,
  help: 'Is the routing cache initialized?'

const eventProcessingDuration = metrics.createHistogram({
  name: `${namespace}_event_processing_duration_seconds`,
  help: 'event processing duration',
  buckets: [3, 12, 60]



Create a child logger in a feature:

module.exports = function (feature, server, done) {
  const log = server.log.child({ns: 'li-routing'})

Note: The ns is short for ’namespace’ and is meant to contain the featureName.

Child loggers can receive their own log level (good during development):

module.exports = function (feature, server, done) {
  const log = server.log.child({ns: 'li-routing', level: 'debug'})

Redone Development Serializer

screen shot 2017-10-30 at 14 44 07
ServerFeatureAdd template-data endpoint Read more#1737, #1756-
Editor, ServerBugfixAdd publication selection to print article create dialog#1740, #1705-
EditorBugfixFix export / publish label for print articles#1757-
EditorBugfixRemoved hardcoded publication name#1760-
EditorBugfixEnable selection mode button for print#1721-
ServerFeatureMap article design layout to layout engine Read more#1655, #1697#1550

Add template-data endpoint to improve editor code

  • Allows querying the layout engine for a “standing type” (German: Stehsatz) issue date that is specified in the config. Such an issue is used to store articles that are written beforehand for which the actual issue date is not yet known.

  • Currently the editor fires three requests for publications, departments and templates/layouts to populate the print template selection view. With this new endpoint all requests are combined and logic can be moved to the server cleaning up the editor code.

Map article design layout to layout engine

The print API will now receive the selected Livingdocs design layout with every call and map it to the layoutEngine param used by huGO.

It replaces the environment based layoutEngine config with a layoutEngines config that can list a number of layout engines supported by huGO. Each layout engine is associated with a design layout so a single LD instance can support multiple layout engines.

The new config looks like this:

  layoutEngines: [
    id: 'ww'  # used to inform print API about which layout engine to use
    layouts: ['woodwing']  # which print design layout to associate with this setting
    label: 'Woodwing'  # label for use in UI
    stringifyLists: false  # send list components as strings or hierarchical structure
    id: 'nt'
    layouts: ['print', 'newsnt']
    label: 'NewsNT'
    stringifyLists: true

and replaces the previous config:

    id: 'nt'
    label: 'NewsNT'
  stringifyLists: true



  • 25.3.2 - print: set publicationDates period to 30 days.
  • 25.3.3 - print: update publicationDates period in layout selector.
  • 25.3.4 - tests: get headless chromium to work properly.


  • 64.0.2 - hooks: properly handle resolveHandles errors.
  • 64.0.3 - hooks: publication hooks registration ignore project/channel failures.
  • 64.0.4 - print: Enables sending <br>s in print articles to print API.