To get an overview about new functionality, read the Release Notes.
To learn about the necessary actions to update Livingdocs to release-2024-07
, read on.
Attention: If you skipped one or more releases, please also check the release-notes of the skipped ones.
- Feature Webinar Recording | Passcode: D8y%8now
- Feature Webinar Documentation
- Dev Webinar Recording | Passcode: 5X$j0aNY
- Dev Webinar Slides
- Release Newsletter Subscription
System Requirements
Name | Version |
Node | 20 |
NPM | 10 |
Postgres | 16 |
Elasticsearch OpenSearch | 8.x v2.3.0 |
Redis | 7 |
Livingdocs Server Docker Image | livingdocs/server-base:20 |
Livingdocs Editor Docker Image | livingdocs/editor-base:20 |
Browser Support | Edge >= 92, Firefox >= 90, Chrome >= 92, Safari >= 15.4, iOS Safari >= 15.4, Opera >= 78 |
Name | Version |
Node | 18 |
NPM | 9 |
Postgres | 13 |
Elasticsearch OpenSearch | 7.x 1 |
Redis | 6.2 |
Livingdocs Server Docker Image | livingdocs/server-base:18.3 |
Livingdocs Editor Docker Image | livingdocs/editor-base:18.5 |
Browser Support | Edge >= 92, Firefox >= 90, Chrome >= 92, Safari >= 15.4, iOS Safari >= 15.4, Opera >= 78 |
Before the deployment
No prior preparations are required before rolling for this release.
After the deployment
No preparations are required after rolling out this release.
Breaking Changes 🔥
Migrate the Postgres Database 🔥
No upstream migrations were added this release.
Remove support for require(’@livingdocs/server/exports’) 🔥
is no longer useful and was removed.
Server PR: Remove support for require(’@livingdocs/server/exports’)
has been removed.
Please use publicApi.getMediaLibraryImportStatus({projectId, id, type: 'image'})
Server PR: Remove importApi.getImageBatchLog’)
Desk-net API function parameters 🔥
- Drop support for separate Desk-Net platform integration API function arguments
- Require userId to be passed to Desk-Net platform integration API functions
liServer.features.api('li-desknet-integration').createFromDesknet(projectId, element)
liServer.features.api('li-desknet-integration').updateFromDesknet(projectId, documentId, element, opts)
liServer.features.api('li-desknet-integration').unlinkFromDesknet(projectId, documentId)
liServer.features.api('li-desknet-integration').createFromDesknet({projectId, userId, element})
liServer.features.api('li-desknet-integration').updateFromDesknet({projectId, documentId, userId, element, linkPublication})
liServer.features.api('li-desknet-integration').unlinkFromDesknet({projectId, documentId, userId})
Server PR: Drop support for separate Desk-Net platform integration API function arguments
Comyan drag&drop without metadata mapping configuration ⚠️
With the introduction of the new metadata mapping configuration for Comyan, using Comyan drag&drop without providing those configurations is deprecated and support will be removed with release-2025-01
For more information check the Comyan metadata mapping feature.
Comyan reporting from upstream ⚠️
The automatic registration for the comyan reporting hooks is deprecated and support is removed with release-2025-01
Please migrate to the new config and hook described here.
Livingdocs Assistants: Proposals 🎁
Instead of executing the commands from an assistant immediately, an assistant can also return a proposal. The proposal contains a description and one or multiple options. Each option has a label and a set of commands. Users can decide between the proposal options and only after selecting an option, the associated commands are executed.
handle: 'exampleAssistant',
async assist ({context}) {
return {
proposal: {
description: {en: '...'},
options: [
label: {en: '...'},
commands: [{operation: '...'}]
Livingdocs Assistants: Context conditions 🎁
In the first iteration of Livingdocs Assistants, all assistants registered for a project have been shown in the K-Menu and the context had to be validated in the assist
With this release, it’s possible to specify context conditions for an assistant, so it will only show up if the context in the editor matches those conditions.
It’s no longer necessary to validate the same conditions in the assist
handle: 'exampleAssistant',
contextConditions: {
documentRequired: true,
contentTypes: ['exampleContentType']
async assist ({context}) {
console.log(context.document.contentType === 'exampleContentType') // true
Livingdocs Assistants: Metadata properties 🎁
All assistants available in the context can be accessed through the K-Menu. With this release, it’s also possible to display an assistant button next to metadata form fields. The button has no logical connection that metadata property though. It is not part of the context and an assistant can only be shown for a single metadata form field.
handle: 'exampleAssistant',
showAssistantTriggerButton: {
metadataPropertyName: 'examplePropertyName'
async assist ({context}) {
Offline Mode Improvements 🎁
Livingdocs allows users to edit documents while offline. However, during offline periods, changes cannot be saved immediately, which could result in data loss if documents are closed before the connection is restored and changes can be saved. To prevent this, it is essential to keep documents open until they can be saved.
To enhance the offline editing experience, we have improved the user interface to more clearly indicate when a user is offline and provide better guidance on what to do. If users remain disconnected for a prolonged period, they are required to acknowledge it, ensuring they are aware of their offline status.
Delivery Builds: User Choices 🎁
Delivery Builds support products requiring a build stage, allowing users to trigger an external system via webhook from within the Livingdocs Editor to initiate the build process. The external system can report the build status back via the Public API. This information is displayed in the editor, providing users with an overview of the product life cycle.
With this release, we are extending Delivery Builds to facilitate advanced use cases where actions and feedback need to be repeatedly exchanged between Livingdocs users and external systems. User choices for Delivery Build enable delivery systems to provide possible actions (user choices), from which users can choose from. When the user selects an action, the external system is informed about the choice and can continue the build.
For instructions on how to implement user choices, please refer to our guide.
. It now supports an optionaluserChoices
property with which actions can be provided to the user. The status must be set to “in-progress” foruserChoices
to be accepted.userChoices: ms.arrayOf(ms.strictObj({ value: ms.required.string(), label: ms.required.string() }))
events. They contain aselectedUserChoice
property. Together with webhooks, these should be used to inform delivery systems about selected user choices.selectedUserChoice: ms.strictObj({ value: ms.required.string(), label: ms.required.string() })
Aborting Delivery Builds
By default, Livingdocs adds an abort option to user choices. You can change this behavior with the abortButtonEnabled
option in the Project Config. If a build is aborted, your external system will be notified via a webhook event.
Added new Project Config properties
. WhenabortButtonEnabled
is set tofalse
, the abort button will never be shown. When set totrue
, the abort button will be shown for builds that are in “in-progress”, including user choices. When undefined, the abort button will be shown only with user choices.abortButtonEnabled: ms.boolean(), abortButtonLabel: ms.$ref('LivingdocsTranslatableString')
events. These are triggered when a build is aborted by a user.
Comyan: Usage reporting 🎁
By default, Livingdocs reports comyan usage for every image. We’re adding a config option to disable this and customize the behavior in the downstream.
Please note that the built-in postPublishHookAsync
used for reporting in Livingdocs is deprecated and will be removed at a later point.
To disable the reporting from Livingdocs add the following to the configuration:
integrations: {
comyan: {
allowed: true,
registerHooks: false
To enable the same behavior as before configure the following in the downstream:
liServer.registerInitializedHook(() => {
const {reportDocumentVersion} = liServer.features.api('li-comyan')
liServer.registerPublicationServerHooks({postPublishHookAsync: reportDocumentVersion})
Additonally this opens up flexibility to customize when comyan usage is reported for example only registering for a certain project and execute it for desired contentTypes
liServer.registerInitializedHook(() => {
const {reportDocumentVersion} = liServer.features.api('li-comyan')
projectHandle: 'myproject',
postPublishHookAsync ({documentVersion}) {
if (documentVersion.contentType !== 'article') return
return reportDocumentVersion({documentVersion})
Comyan: Metadata mapping 🎁
Prior release-2024-07
, the mapping of Comyan data fields and media type metadata was hardcoded in the upstream codebase and the media type had to have metadata properties with a certain handle.
With this release, the mapping can be configured in the media type.
The following mapping configuration replicates the same mapping that has been hardcoded in the past:
mediaTypes: [
handle: 'image',
type: 'mediaImage',
metadata: [
{handle: 'title', ...},
{handle: 'caption', ...},
{handle: 'source', ...},
{handle: 'comyan', ...}, // custom plugin with an object storage schema
comyanExtraction: {
mappings: [
{field: 'ImgName', metadataPropertyName: 'title'},
{field: 'IPTCCaption', metadataPropertyName: 'caption'},
{field: 'IPTCByLine', metadataPropertyName: 'source'},
{fullObject: true, metadataPropertyName: 'comyan'},
The handle of the media type which is being used as target for images from Comyan has to be defined in the integration settings:
integrations: {
comyan: {
enabled: true,
buttonLabel: 'open comyan',
targetMediaType: 'image',
mediaSystem: {
credentials: {...},
baseUrl: ''
Command API enhancements 🎁
We have enhanced and extended the capabilities of the Document Command API in the following ways:
- Enhanced
: supports a custom component id, which enables more complex content changes (e.g. inserting entire component hierarchies) - Added
- Added
- Improved error handling: a
property is exposed inerror_details
to better understand which exact command has failed
Please note that publish
and unpublish
commands are not supported by assistants.
Vulnerability Patches
We are constantly patching module vulnerabilities for the Livingdocs Server and Livingdocs Editor as module fixes are available. Below is a list of all patched vulnerabilities included in the release.
Livingdocs Server
This release we have patched the following vulnerabilities in the Livingdocs Server:
- CVE-2024-4067 patched in
v4.0.8 - CVE-2024-4068 patched in
v3.0.3 - CVE-2024-37168 patched in
v1.9.15 - CVE-2024-37890 patched in
v8.17.1 - CVE-2024-43799 patched in
v0.19.0 - CVE-2024-45296 patched in
v6.3.0 - CVE-2024-47764 patched in
No known vulnerabilities. 🎉
Livingdocs Editor
This release we have patched the following vulnerabilities in the Livingdocs Editor:
- CVE-2024-4067 patched in
v4.0.8 - CVE-2024-4068 patched in
v3.0.3 - CVE-2024-4367 patched in
v4.3.136 - CVE-2024-37890 patched in
v8.17.1 - CVE-2024-42459 patched in
v6.5.7 - CVE-2024-45296 patched in
v6.3.0 - CVE-2024-45590 patched in
v1.20.3 - CVE-2024-45813 patched in
We are aware of the following vulnerabilities in the Livingdocs Editor:
- CVE-2023-44270 vulnerability in
, it affects linters using PostCSS to parse external Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). It is not exploitable in the editor as we don’t load untrusted external CSS at build time. - CVE-2023-26116, CVE-2023-26118, CVE-2023-26117, CVE-2022-25869, CVE-2022-25844 are all AngularJS vulnerabilities that don’t have a patch available. We are working on removing all AngularJS from our code and vulnerabilities will go away when we complete the transition to Vue.js.
- CVE-2024-6783 vulnerability in
it allows malicious users to perform XSS via prototype pollution.
Here is a list of all patches after the release has been announced.
Livingdocs Server Patches
- v254.0.50: fix(deps): update dependency axios from 1.7.4 to 1.8.2 [security]
- v254.0.49: chore(drone): Fix todos check
- v254.0.48: fix(documents): Increase maximum pagination limit of /documents endpoint to 1000
- v254.0.47: chore(drone): Remove nzz and demo tests
- v254.0.46: fix(publication): Compute event before modifying document
- v254.0.45: fix(deps): update dependency @livingdocs/framework from 29.4.12 to v29.4.13
- v254.0.44: fix(designs): Fix error when server config designs is not set
- v254.0.43: fix(breaking-changes): Add type to release-2024-07 breaking changes
- v254.0.42: fix(opensearch): Fix aws signing in with opensearch
- v254.0.41: fix(security): Patch security vulnerabilities CVE-2024-43799 in
, CVE-2024-45296 inpath-to-regexp
, CVE-2024-45813 infind-my-way
and CVE-2024-47764 incookie
- v254.0.40: fix(import): Do not serialize query strings in import api filename as it could include tokens
- v254.0.39: fix(li-document-search): Fix empty check of li-document-search params
- v254.0.38: fix(character-count): Support excludeFromTextCount on container directives
- v254.0.37: chore(imports): Report conflicting media id when using a systemName/externalId composite that is already in use
- v254.0.36: fix: Allow empty oembed allowedCoreProviders array
- v254.0.35: fix: trigger a new release
- v254.0.34: fix(media-library): Support prefilling of directives using a template
- v254.0.33: fix(deps): update dependency express from 4.19.2 to 4.20.0 [security]
- v254.0.32: fix(indexing): Normalize li-date, li-datetime and li-datetime-validity values while indexing into elasticsearch
- v254.0.31: fix(users): Support loading archived users and regular users together
- v254.0.30: fix(link-directive): Allow any characters in link directive urls
- v254.0.29: fix(security): Patch security vulnerabilities CVE-2024-4067 in
- v254.0.28: fix(sz): allow LIFEAT003 for SZ
- v254.0.27: fix: Fix axios request in slack api
- v254.0.26: fix(deps): update dependency axios from 1.7.2 to 1.7.4 [security]
- v254.0.25: test: assistant proposal with media library entry without LIFEAT005
- v254.0.24: fix(access-control): Expose ‘document.metadata.update’ policies
- v254.0.23: fix: Update undici & aws modules to fix security issues
- v254.0.22: fix(references): Support data-li-external-system attribute of links in reference extraction
- v254.0.21: fix(package.json): Defined channel to release branch name, desired tag
- v254.0.20: fix(package.json): Define channel ’latest’ on package.json to properly tag the branch
- v254.0.19: fix(deps): update dependency @livingdocs/framework from 29.4.10 to v29.4.11
- v254.0.18: fix(documents): Set event source for scheduled publish notification
- v254.0.17: chore(example-server): Remove Desk-Net schedule status filtering
- v254.0.16: fix(desknet): Increase limit for schedule linked document search
- v254.0.15: fix(migrations): Make the
configurable - v254.0.14: fix: Fix support for
attribute in livingdocs helpers.component
must always be preferred overidentifier
- v254.0.13: fix: make hugo.assetHost required
- v254.0.12: fix(li-tree): Fix reference extraction of translated document references in li-tree
- v254.0.11: fix(print): Fix print metadata access in hugo-export
- v254.0.10: fix(documents): Use target content type settings during transform
- v254.0.9: fix(release-2024-07): Update framework to v29.4.9 (release-2024-07 tag)
Livingdocs Editor Patches
v110.21.73: chore: fix cypress test
v110.21.72: fix(document-proxy): Only add numbers to userIds
v110.21.71: chore(drone): Disable nzz tests
v110.21.70: fix(project-config): Do not throw an error on the project config screen when kordiam is enabled
v110.21.69: fix(li-meta-tree): allow publications when
v110.21.68: fix(side-panels): Translate side panel titles
v110.21.67: fix(deps): update dependency @livingdocs/framework from 29.4.12 to v29.4.13
v110.21.66: fix(dashboard): Handle errors that occur after successful document deletion
v110.21.65: fix: hide display filters on media board with external sources
v110.21.64: fix(metadata): Do not include empty strings in etc payload
v110.21.63: fix(multiselect): add missing translations
v110.21.62: fix(user-avatar): icon size
v110.21.61: fix(menu-item): increase max length
v110.21.60: fix(tasks): Fix kanban dashboard realtime support for task updates
v110.21.59: fix(comments): Disable comments on embedded documents
v110.21.58: fix(includes): Do not mutate intitialContent object
v110.21.57: fix(character-count): Support excludeFromTextCount on container directives
v110.21.56: fix(document-search): Delay initial search until filters ready
v110.21.55: fix(media-library): Support prefilling of directives using a template
v110.21.54: fix: focalpoint reactivity
v110.21.53: fix(search): multiple requests at the same time
v110.21.52: fix(draft-storage): Persist unsaved document to local storage on unload
v110.21.51: chore(admin-dashboard): Load all users, also archived ones, so we can filter in memory
v110.21.50: fix(editor): Add missing publish route
v110.21.49: fix(translations): Only set default locale if none is present on document create
v110.21.48: fix(images): Use dropActions.processImages in image url drop handler
v110.21.47: fix(dashboards): Prevent text loss in table dashboard inputs
v110.21.46: fix(security): Patch security vulnerabilities CVE-2024-4067 in
and CVE-2024-42459 inelliptic
v110.21.45: fix(deps): update dependency webpack from 5.92.1 to 5.94.0 [security]
v110.21.44: fix(li-meta-document-reference-default): update function call
v110.21.43: fix(comyan): Pass axiosAuthed to drop handler in li-meta-image
v110.21.42: fix: add defaultMetadata to projectConfig/ContentType model
v110.21.41: fix(publish panel): Horizontal scroll
v110.21.40: fix(assistants): add proposals with media library entries LIFEAT005
v110.21.39: fix(deps): update dependency axios from 1.7.2 to 1.7.4 [security]
v110.21.38: fix(delivery builds): wrap very long feedback messages without whitespace
v110.21.37: chore(metadata): Fix default input tests
v110.21.36: fix(main-nav): Close when URL changes
v110.21.35: fix(home-screen): Do not throw error when tasks do not have assignees
v110.21.34: fix(media-library): Fix media library dashboard with metadata property display filters
v110.21.33: test(document-statistics): fix e2e test after filter label got renamed
v110.21.32: fix(deps): update dependency @livingdocs/framework from 29.4.10 to v29.4.11
v110.21.31: fix(moment): Do not call defineLocale multiple times
v110.21.30: fix(ticker): Support initial metadata extraction and component prefilling for ticker entries
v110.21.29: fix(draft-storage): Only persist document to local storage when it is dirty
v110.21.28: fix(date time fields): Clear function
v110.21.27: fix(comments): Prevent selected comment from overlaying component insert panel
v110.21.26: fix(assistants): Wording
v110.21.25: fix(publish-control): Hide history link for data records
v110.21.24: fix(transform-flows): Update documentTransformFlows in tests
v110.21.23: fix(publication status): quick publish button not correctly aligned
v110.21.22: fix(metadata): Desk-net
v110.21.21: chore(document reference states): Support externalSystemLabel and error tooltips everywhere
v110.21.20: fix: Reenable GET requests after resolving a conflict
v110.21.19: fix(lists): Only show create button if user has create permissions
v110.21.18: fix(draftStorage): make reactive
property computedv110.21.17: fix: teaser sidepanel showing go to document button on wrong condition
v110.21.16: fix(comments): Make toolbar comment flyout reactive
v110.21.15: fix(deps): update dependency @livingdocs/framework from 29.4.9 to v29.4.10
v110.21.14: fix(workspace): Prevent window reload during tests
v110.21.13: fix: active translation not highlighted
v110.21.12: fix(dashboard): Enable sync url params for dashboards
Icon Legend
- Breaking changes: 🔥
- Feature: 🎁
- Bugfix: 🪲
- Chore: 🔧