Document Design

The document design is defined by 2 top-level properties:

designSettings: {...},
components: {...}

The components define the building blocks out of which you can create your documents. They are basically small HTML templates for things like paragraphs, images or embeds.

The design settings define global design properties like the CSS to use or how components are grouped together.

As of release-2025-03, documents are delivered with the newest design version. Ensure that any design changes are accompanied by the corresponding On-Read Migrations.

Video Guide

Intro to how Livingdocs components work and how to apply a design change to your project.


Component Declaration

Components are the building blocks of Livingdocs documents. In essence a component is a combination of an HTML template with declarative Livingdocs directive attributes (doc- directives) and a JSON with configuration for those directives.

  name: 'p',
  label: 'Paragraph',
  iconUrl: '',
  directives: [
      name: 'p',
      type: 'editable',
      plainText: true
  html: '<p class="text" doc-editable="text">\n  Paragraph\n</p>'

The above component definition will render a paragraph with editable text. Only plaintext is allowed in this text.

Component Properties

  • allowedParents, array of strings, defines in which components that have container directives (you must give the component name) this component may be added
  • excludeFromTextCount, true | false, if true no editable directives in this component are counted towards the document text count
  • properties, array of strings, references to component properties (see above) that should be shown in the properties panel if this component is selected in the editor
  • iconUrl
    • option 1: string, fully specified URL to an SVG icon that is displayed for this component in the editors sidebar
    • option 2: string, base64 encoded SVG data url that is displayed for this component in the editors sidebar
  • label, string, the title that this component has
  • description, string, a descriptive text for this component
  • name, string, the system name of this component

Component Directives

Livingdocs supports the following directive types.

editableThe content of this tag is editable text by the user. details
imageThe user can select and image that is set as a src attribute on <img> tags and as background-image style on other tags. details
containerThis tag can contain other components. details
linkThe href attribute of this tag can be set to a link by the user. details
includeInside of this tag, a remote micro service will render an edge-side include of the given type. details
htmlThe content of this tag is freeform HTML. This can be used to embed tweets or IFrames. details
styleAllows a user to set the style attribute on a DOM node details

For the declaration in HTML always prepend doc- to the type.

Example With Multiple Components

An example:

// projectConfig.designSettings:
components: [
      name: 'title',
      label: 'Title',
      iconUrl: '',
      directives: [
          type: 'editable',
          name: 'title',
          maxLength: 5
      html: '<h2 doc-editable="title">\n  Title\n</h2>'
      name: "p",
      label: "Paragraph",
      iconUrl: '',
      html: '<p class="text" doc-editable="text">\n  Paragraph\n</p>'
      name: "image",
      label: "Bild",
      iconUrl: '',
      directives: [
          name: 'image',
          type: 'image',
          allowOriginalRatio: true,
          imageRatios: [
      html: '<div class="m-asset-image m-asset-image--numbered">\n  <div class="m-asset-image__image">\n    <img doc-image="image">\n  </div>\n  <div class="m-asset-image__options">\n    <div class="a-asset-input" doc-editable="caption">Caption</div>\n    <div class="a-asset-input" doc-editable="source">Source</div>\n  </div>\n</div>'
      name: 'insta',
      label: 'Instagram',
      iconUrl: "",
      directives: [
          name: 'insta',
          type: 'include',
          service: 'instagram'
      html: '<div doc-include="insta">\n  <div>Instagram Include</div>\n</div>'

Note: if you have a design in the legacy version 1 here is a guide how to update your design to version 2.

Design Settings

An example:

// projectConfig.designSettings:
designSettings: {
    assets: {
      css: [

    mediaRendering: {
      // strategy used if doc-image is declared on an <img> tag
      imgTagRenderStrategy: 'srcSet',
      // strategy used if doc-image is declared on any other tag
      anyTagRenderStrategy: 'backgroundImage',

      // configuration for the responsive 'backgroundImage' render strategy
      backgroundImage: {
        defaultWidth: 1200,
        cssVars: {
          'mobile-img': 600,
          'tablet-img': 900
      // configuration for the 'srcSet' render strategy
      srcSet: {
        defaultWidth: 1024,
        widths: [2048, 1024, 620, 320],
        sizes: ['100vw']

      video: {
        controls: true,
        loop: false,
        autoplay: false,
        muted: false,
        preload: 'auto'

    componentProperties: [
        label: 'Lead',
        type: 'option',
        value: 'paragraph--lead',
        name: 'paragraph-style-lead'
        label: 'Background Color',
        type: 'style',
        cssProperty: 'background-color',
        name: 'css-background-color'

    componentGroups: [
        name: 'text',
        label: 'Text',
        components: [
        name: 'media',
        label: 'Media',
        components: [

    defaultComponents: {
      paragraph: 'p',
      image: 'image',
      video: 'video'

    fieldExtractor: [
        // metadata handle
        identifier: 'title',
        // 'text' / 'image' / 'cssProperty'
        type: 'text',
        // extract from component 'title' the directive 'text'
        matches: ['title.text']

    namedCrops: [
        handle: 'mobile',
        label: 'Mobile',
        description: 'this image will be shown on small screens',
        // recommendedRatios are a suggestion and the user can easily pick on, but can also use a different ratio
        recommendedRatios: ['1:1', '16:9']
        handle: 'tablet',
        label: 'Tablet',
        description: 'this image will be shown on medium screens',
        recommendedRatios: ['16:9']
        handle: 'desktop',
        label: 'Desktop',
        description: 'this image will be shown on wide screens',
        // imageRatios are enforced, the user has to pick one of them, the first is the default
        imageRatios: ['21:9', '16:9']
        handle: 'socialMediaTeaser',
        label: 'SM Teaser',
        description: 'This image will be used for social media teasers',
        // the user won't be able to pick a ratio but can only change the crops position and zoom
        imageRatios: ['16:9']
        handle: 'smallTeaser',
        label: 'Small Teaser',
        description: 'Used for small teasers',
        // the user can either stay with the recommended 1:1 ratio or change it freely...
        recommendedRatios: ['1:1'],
        // ... within the boundaries of minRatio and maxRatio (the factor is the ratio, think 16/9 = 1.7777)
        minRatio: 0.25,
        maxRatio: 3
        handle: 'largeTeaser',
        label: 'Large Teaser',
        description: 'Used for large teasers',
        // the user can stay with 16:9 or change the ratio freely...
        recommendedRatios: ['16:9'],
        // long as the resulting image contains at least 300 * 300 pixels (width * height)
        minResolution: 300 * 300


Livingdocs uses CSS and possible JS assets to render documents. The assets object contains 2 keys, css and js, both of which are arrays and contain fully specified URLs to your CSS and JS files respectively. We advise you to upload the files to an AWS S3 bucket or similar and link them.

Image Rendering

The image rendering configuration tells Livingdocs how to render images in your components.

In general the image rendering configs or part of them can be overwritten in components so you can e.g. have different srcSet settings for an individual component or use a different image render strategy altogether.


Default: ‘srcSet’ Available: [‘srcSet’, ‘’, ‘src’]

Strategy used if doc-image is declared on an <img> tag.

Example Component where this strategy would be used:

<div doc-include="image-component">
  <img doc-image="src" />

Default: ‘backgroundImage’ Available: [‘backgroundImage’, ‘’]

Strategy used if doc-image is declared on an tag except <img>.

Example Component where this strategy would be used:

<div doc-include="background-image-component">
  <div doc-image="src"></div>

Used when the image is rendered with the render strategy ‘srcSet’.

For more information about how srcSet works in HTML, refer to this article:

Config Example:

// configuration for the 'srcSet' render strategy
srcSet: {
  defaultWidth: 1024,
  widths: [
  sizes: ['100vw']

Example Output:

  srcset=" 1024w,   620w


Used when the image is rendered with the render strategy ‘backgroundImage’.

For background images you can simply set a fixed defaultWidth, so that each background image will get the corresponding width set. (if the actual width of the image is lower, it will never be interpolated but just left at its original size).

Config Example:

// Example config for a responsive 'backgroundImage' rendering
backgroundImage: {
  defaultWidth: 1200,
  cssVars: {
    'mobile-img': 600

Example Output:

  style="background: url(; --mobile-img: url(;"

Example CSS to make it work:

@media (max-width: 768px) {
  .hero-background {
    background-image: var(--mobile-img) !important;


Needs no configuration. Only available for img tags.

Example Output:

<img src="" />

Works both for <img> tags as well as for other tags.

Example Output:


Overwriting config in a Component Directive

// Can overwrite design config.
// Here an example for a responsive background image:
directives: {
  image: {
    type: 'image',
    renderStrategy: 'backgroundImage',
    backgroundImage: {
      defaultWidth: 1200
      cssVars: {
        'mobile-img': 600,
        'tablet-img': 900

Via the property renderStrategy a renderStrategy can be explicitly defined. The backgroundImage config in this example is of the same structure as it is in the mediaRendering property of the designSettings.

Component Properties

Component properties give users of the Livingdocs editor easy styling options for components. There are three types of properties:

  • option, turns a style (css class) on or off
  • select, select from a set of css classes
  • style, in tandem with doc-style directives, sets the style attribute of a tag

The value in case of option or select contains a CSS class from your CSS asset files.

Component Property

The schema looks as follows.

componentProperties: ms.arrayOf(
      if: ms.obj({type: ms.const('option')}),
      then: ms.strictObj({
        type: ms.required.enum('option'),
        name: 'string:required',
        label: 'string',
        value: 'string:required'
      if: ms.obj({type: ms.const('select')}),
      then: ms.strictObj({
        type: ms.required.enum('select'),
        name: 'string:required',
        label: 'string',
        // must contain one empty option
        options: ms.required.arrayOf(
            caption: 'string:required',
            value: 'string'
      if: ms.obj({type: ms.const('style')}),
      then: ms.strictObj({
        type: ms.required.enum('style'),
        name: 'string:required',
        label: 'string',
        cssProperty: 'string:required'

Component Groups

With component groups you can visually group together similar components, e.g. “Text components” for use in the Livingdocs editor sidebar.

Default Components

Livingdocs knows 3 types of default components:

  • paragraph, automatic insert when a user presses “Enter” in the editor, typically a p tag
  • image, automatic insert when a user drags an image to Livingdocs, e.g. from the Desktop
  • video, automatic insert when a user drags a video to Livingdocs, e.g. from the Desktop

You have to configure the handle of the respective component that should be inserted.

Field Extractor

The field extractor allows you to one way synchronising metadata fields with values from the document. As long as the metadata field is not overwritten manually, the sync is active. A common use case is to use the document title in a metadata field title.


fieldExtractor: [
    identifier: 'title',
    type: 'text',
    matches: ['title.title']

By default the field extractor is not enabled for pages. You can configure it in the global editor config with the following field in the metadata object:

  metadata: {
    fieldExtractorOnPage: true


  • identifier - metadata field handle, you want to sync to
  • type data type
    • text for doc-editable directives
    • image for doc-image
    • cssProperty for doc-style
    • Other design directives are currently not supported.
  • matches defines an array of component.directive pairs from which the content should be synced into the metadata field. E.g. for a component named “title” that has a doc-editable directive “title”, you would write “title.title”. When type is set to cssProperty one can define which CSS property to extract, e.g. color.

Component Prefilling

Livingdocs supports two types of component prefilling; author and author-email. Components with an author directive can have the author or their email automatically filled. If these components are in the default content of an document type they are prefilled on document creation and are also prefilled when new components are dragged from the insert panel. This is only supported in the editor and not for document import.

You can enable Prefilled Components by adding them to the Design Settings:

  v: 2,
  designSettings: {
    prefilledComponents: [{
      component: 'title',
      content: [{
        directive: 'author',
        value: 'author', // can be 'author' or 'author-email'
        type: 'computed'

As a second step you have to add a Design Component title which contains a directive author. After that, when you add the title component to a document, or it is in the defaultContent, the author should be prefilled automatically.

An example Title component:

  name: 'title',
  label: 'Title',
  iconUrl: '',
  directives: [{
    type: 'editable',
    name: 'title'
    type: 'editable',
    name: 'author'
  html: dedent`
    <h2 doc-editable="title">

    <p doc-editable="author"></p>
    </ section>

And including it in the default content will have it filled on creation:

  handle: 'regular',
  documentType: 'article',
  info: {
    label: 'Regular Article'
  defaultContent: [
    {component: 'title'}