
Includes allow you to define parts of your markup that will be controlled from a third-party micro-service. Examples are services like highcharts or mathjax that render HTML given a set of given parameters and config. HTML is not only rendered one-time but evaluated on every request.


  name: 'echo',
  label: 'Echo',
  iconUrl: '',
  directives: [
      name: 'foo',
      type: 'include',
      service: 'foo-service',
      config: {
        language: 'en'
      defaultParams: {
        tag: 'livingdocs'
  html: dedent`
    <div doc-include="foo">
      <div>Foo Service</div>

Config Options


  • config: object, allows you to pass static configuration to your third-party microservice. In the example above we pass a language as a fixed config.
  • defaultParams: object, allows you to define defaults for the dynamic params of an include. Dynamic params are set by the user over a UI in the editor and are defined in the Settings for the include.

Service definition

The service defines what kind of include is inserted, i.e. the microservice to use for rendering. You can define one service (service) or an array of services in which case the editor will provide a dropdown to change the service dynamically on a component.

  • service, string, name of the service used to render the HTML within the tag. Service name must be registered.
  • services, array, defines a set of services that can be changed manually in the editor, each service contains each own service name, default params and config.

schema of services:

services: ms.arrayOf(
    service: 'string:required',
    label: 'string:required',
    defaultParams: ms.obj(),
    config: ms.obj()