If you want to migrate from a design configuration v1 (deprecated) to a design configuration v2 (current), you can follow this abstract example to migrate your design.
Design Config v1
const v1 = {
name: '', // move this to v2.name
version: '', // move this to v2.version
label: '', // removed property - does not exist in v2
license: '', // removed property - does not exist in v2
description: '', // removed property - does not exist in v2
author: '', // removed property - does not exist in v2
assets: {}, // move this to v2.designSettings.assets
// move this to v2.designSettings.componentProperties and convert into
// an array. Add the key under the property `name`.
componentProperties: {},
// moved out of design config, every layout is a contentType in the project config, e.g.
layouts: [
name: '', // should already exist as contentType.handle
caption: '', // move to contentType.info.label
wrapper: '', // move to contentType.editorWrapper
defaultContent: [], // move to contentType.defaultContent
// migrate this config to contentType.components
// contentType.components are grouped by v2.designSettings.componentGroups
groups: []
defaultComponents: {}, // move this to v2.designSettings.defaultComponents
prefilledComponents: {}, // move this to v2.designSettings.prefilledComponents
groups: [], // move this to v2.designSettings.componentGroups
metadata: {}, // move this to v2.designSettings.fieldExtractor
defaultContent, // move this to contentType.defaultContent
imageRatios: {}, // removed property - does not exist in v2
defaultLayout: '', // removed property (this was used when no v1.layouts array exists)
components: [
name: 'plain-text',
label: 'Plain Text Paragraph',
// the directives object is an array in v2. With added properties 'name' and 'type'
directives: {
text: {
plainText: true
html: '<p doc-editable="text"></p>'
Design Config v2
This is an example of a design config v2 of a referenced design. If you use an embedded design, you only will have to specify components
and designSettings
in your project configuration.
const v2 = {
v: 2,
name: 'testv2',
version: '1.0.0',
designSettings: {
assets: {},
componentGroups: [],
defaultComponents: {},
fieldExtractor: [],
componentProperties: []
components: [
name: 'plain-text',
label: 'Plain Text Paragraph',
directives: [{ // directives is now an array
// specifying directives is optional but if you do a type is required.
// If you do not specify a directive it will be added if present in the template.
type: 'editable',
name: 'text',
plainText: true
html: '<p doc-editable="text"></p>'