This section gives an exhaustive listing of all options for Includes on the server side. To get more information about Includes in general, visit the Includes Overview.
We recommend where possible going down the paramsSchema route for includes. This saves writing custom sidebar components and covers most include cases. Where it does not, please get in touch with your customer solutions manager before writing custom components to see if we can extend the paramsSchema for your use case.
Registering your include
// app/server.js
liServer.registerInitializedHook(() => {
// registers the include rendering service
allows you to generate UI sidebar options in the Editor for Includes. With that you can choose and pass these options to influence the rendering. Look into this Overview to see what plugins are supported for Includes.
If you want to be able to load document metadata and content it’s important to set preload: true
module.exports = {
name: 'teaser',
paramsSchema: [
// the data from article will be passed to the render function via 'params.article.value'
handle: 'article',
type: 'li-document-reference',
preload: true, // Populate referenced article data
ui: {
label: 'Teaser',
config: {
useDashboard: 'articles-simple',
style: 'teaser'
rendering: {
type: 'function',
async render(params, context) {
// Here you can use the publicationApi to get your document
// You can then return the content of the linked document with ease, Livingdocs will render
// it exactly as you see it in the document itself
const id =
const publication = await publicationApi.getPublicationsByDocumentIds([id])
const content = publication[0]
return {
// Alternatively, you can render some custom content based on the metadata information
// If you have metadata with teaser content anyway, this is the simplest and most effective solution
return {
content: [
id: `teaser-${documentVersion.documentId}`,
component: 'teaser',
content: {
image: parseImageData(documentVersion.metadata.teaserImage),
title: documentVersion.title,
lead: 'lead from include',
byline: 'byline from include',
link: ''
This example uses a helper function for teaserImage data:
function parseImageData(teaserImage) {
// The teaser image is of type li-image but the editable-teaser service
// requires LivingdocsImageDirective, so this picks the correct values
return {
url: teaserImage.url,
originalUrl: teaserImage.originalUrl,
mediaId: teaserImage.mediaId,
imageService: teaserImage.imageService,
width: teaserImage.width,
height: teaserImage.height,
mimeType: teaserImage.mimeType,
focalPoint: teaserImage.focalPoint
All options
Below is a list of all options (it’s not a running example)
// plugins/includes/teaser.js
module.exports = {
name: 'teaser',
// The generated sidebar allows you to quickly create new includes. You will be limited to the API's provided by Livingdocs
// but our API is built to catch most of the common use-cases.
paramsSchema: [
handle: 'article',
type: 'li-document-reference',
// the data from the referenced article will be passed to the render function via 'params.article.value' when preload: true
preload: true, // Populate referenced article data
ui: {
label: 'Teaser',
config: {
useDashboard: 'articles-simple'
uiComponents: [
// custom Vue UI
type: 'vue-component',
// displayed as a label in the sidebar
sidebarLabel: 'Foo Bar',
// custom Vue component to be rendered in the sidebar
// this custom component has to be registered in the editor and names must match
sidebarContentComponent: 'myIncludeSidebarComponent'
// custom Iframe modal
type: 'iframe-modal',
// displayed as a label in the sidebar
sidebarLabel: 'Embed Q graphic',
// text for the button that opens the modal dialog
sidebarButton: 'Search graphic'
// title in the modal dialog
modalTitle: 'Q Graphics',
// the url to the iframe that implements the user interface
// note this user interface is independent of Livingdocs and can be
// implemented in any language/framework, e.g. react.js
modalContentUrl: ''
rendering: {
// 'function' or 'remote'
type: 'function',
// params contain data set from paramsSchema
// paramsSchema with handle 'article' get its data passed to 'params.article'
// params = {
// article: {
// '$ref': 'document',
// reference: { id: '1' },
// isPreloaded: true,
// value: {
// systemdata: {
// projectId: 1,
// ...
// },
// metadata: RevisionMetadata {
// language: { label: 'German', locale: 'de', groupId: 'Hq-5RpfXUSlXQcRR3TdlB' },
// title: '111111111111',
// ...
// }
// }
// }
// },
// context contain metadata and systemdata of the current document
// context = {
// preview: true,
// metadata: {
// language: {label: 'German', locale: 'de', groupId: 'OVVyEvOq0RoQDBXeYEgnH'},
// title: 'title',
// },
// systemdata: {
// projectId: 3,
// channelId: 4,
// documentId: 3,
// contentType: 'regular',
// documentType: 'article',
// design: { name: 'p:3:4', version: '1.0.0' }
// },
// config: {foo: 'bar'}
// }
async render (params, context) {
// context.preview = true => Request comes from Livingdocs Editor (while editing a document)
// context.preview = false => Request comes from Public API
const isPreview = context?.preview === true
// If you want to report back an include error to the UI, you can return HTML
// return {html: `<div class="include-render-error"><h2>Maybe a typo?</h2><p>The document can't be found.</p></div>`}
// It does not render an unpublished document on the public API
if (isPreview && paramsAreInsufficient(params)) {
// Show include preview (the HTML defined in your Livingdocs Component)
return {doNotRender: true}
} else if (shouldNotBeRendered(params)) {
// Render nothing (in the Editor + via public API)
return {html: ''}
} else {
// Render the include
// Option 1 - return a Livingdocs Component (try to prefer that option)
return {
// if editableContent is true, the user can overwrite the content for this specific teaser
// caveat: only possible when returning 1 component
editableContent: true,
content: [{
id: `teaser-${your-documentId}`,
component: 'teaser',
content: {
image: parseImageData(documentVersion.metadata.teaserImage),
title: documentVersion.title,
lead: 'lead from include',
byline: 'byline from include',
link: ''
// Option 2 - return HTML
const html = renderInclude(params)
return {
// optionally you can also pass dependencies either as raw code or from a source
// dependencies: {
// css: [
// {
// src: ''
// },
// {
// code: ... your css
// }
// ],
// js: [
// {
// src: '',
// namespace: 'includes.instagram'
// },
// {
// code: ... your js script
// }
// ]
// }
// pass values to the render function
config: {
foo: 'bar'
defaultParams: {
count: 5
// undefined (default), 'always' or 'initial'
blockEditorInteraction: undefined,
// Remounts the scripts and returned js dependencies that are inside the html of an include when this html is re-rendered
remountScripts: true
If the sidebar options with paramsSchema
are not enough, you have 2 other options to generate UI sidebar options.
You can choose between 2 types of custom UI components.
, sidebar user interfaceiframe-modal
, as above user interface in a modal dialog but loaded as an iframe (e.g. if you want to implement your UI outside of Livingdocs)
The uiComponents
config for vue-component
looks as follows:
// required, fixed name
type: 'vue-component',
// required, displayed as a label in the sidebar
sidebarLabel: 'Foo Bar',
// required, the custom Vue component to be rendered in the sidebar
// this custom component has to be registered in the editor and
// names must match
sidebarContentComponent: 'myIncludeSidebarComponent'
The Vue component myIncludeSidebarComponent
is required to be registered in the editor. We explain here how to do this.
The uiComponents
config for iframe-modal
looks as follows:
// required, fixed name
type: 'iframe-modal',
// required, displayed as a label in the sidebar
sidebarLabel: 'Embed Q graphic',
// required, text for the button that opens the modal dialog
sidebarButton: 'Search graphic'
// required, title in the modal dialog
modalTitle: 'Q Graphics',
// required, the url to the iframe that implements the user interface
// note this user interface is independent of Livingdocs and can be
// implemented in any language/framework, e.g. react.js
modalContentUrl: ''
The iframe modal enables you to implement the user interface in a third-party system or re-use existing interfaces. There is an API in place to pass the params
object between the iframe and Livingdocs:
Existing params
are passed into the iframe as a URL query parameter ?params
. It contains the stringified JSON of the params
Object as an urlencoded String.
From inside the iframe, you have to send messages using postMessage like this:
const message = {
action: 'update',
params: {
someParam: 'foo',
anotherParam: 42
// the 2nd parameter is the 'targetOrigin'. Set this to the origin of your Livingdocs Editor instance.
window.parent.postMessage(message, '*')
The rendering
configuration allows you to define how your doc-include
is rendered. The options available are:
The function
option allows you to render your Include on the Livingdocs Server.
rendering: {
type: 'function',
async render (params, context) {
return 'LivingdocsComponent or HTML'
The remote
option allows you to render your HTML in a third-party system that is not Livingdocs.
name: 'q-embed',
rendering: {
type: 'remote',
// 'post' and 'get' are possible (get only sends params, not options and config)
method: 'post',
url: ''
The above example tells the Livingdocs rendering engine that whenever it sees a doc-include
with service q-embed
it should do a POST request to the remote URL defined to get the rendered HTML string.
The config property blockEditorInteraction
can be 'always'
, 'initial'
, or not defined at all. It is used to configure how the user can interact with the include within the editor. The default behavior when the value is undefined is to allow the include to be fully interactive. By passing the string 'always'
the user will not be able to interact with the include content, and 'initial'
will only block the first click and then allow interaction (resetting the blocker when the include component is blurred). These two options can be particularly useful when working with videos and other interactive content, because they allow the component to be selected and configured more easily within the UI.
Remounts the scripts that are inside the html of an include when this html is re-rendered.
Passes any value to the render function.
config: {
foo: 'bar'