Added in: release-2023-03
Supported Features
Document | ✔ |
Media | ✗ |
Include | ✗ |
Document Creation Flow | ✗ |
Push Message | ✗ |
Table Dashboard | ✔ |
Display Filter | ✗ |
Search Indexing | ✔ |
System Metadata | ✔ |
Webhook Conditions | ✗ |
As part of the Planning System, users want to ask for buy-in when writing an article or pitching an idea. Other users can express their backing by accepting a buy-in request. The presence, absence or status of a buy-in request has no effect on permissions and is just a communication tool.
- A buy-in request is closed after it was accepted or declined by one other person
- Users cannot respond to their own buy-in requests
- All other users with read and write permissions to the document can respond to a buy-in request
- Buy-in requests can be answered by returning them to the creator, e.g. to clarify questions before accepting the request
- Closed buy-in requests can be reopened an unlimited number of times
- Buy-in requests can be answered directly from a Table Dashboard
- Expired buy-in requests remain in their state, but may disappear from Table Dashboards (depends on config)
- All own actions can be undone if no other action has occurred afterwards
- All own comments can be edited, but will be marked as such
Default UI
The li-buy-in plugin in initial status:

The li-buy-in plugin in closed status:

The li-buy-in plugin as a Table Dashboard cell in requested status:

Storage Format
workflow: {
status: <String>, // 'initial' | 'requested' | 'returned' | 'closed' | 'reopened'
userId: <Integer>,
expiryDate: <ISO8601 String>, // only set once requested
timeline: [{
eventType: <String>, // 'BuyInRequest' | 'BuyInReRequest' | 'BuyInAcceptance' | 'BuyInDeclining' | 'BuyInReturn' | 'BuyInReopen'
userId: <Integer>,
createdAt: <ISO8601 String>,
updatedAt: <ISO8601 String>, // only set when edited
comment: <String> // optional
Content Type Config
handle: 'myContentType',
// ...
metadata: [
// Plugin needs to be configured with same handle on all relevant content types,
// otherwise data is lost when transforming content type, e.g. from pitch to article.
handle: 'myHandle',
type: 'li-buy-in',
ui: {
label: 'Buy-In'
config: {
defaultExpiryDays: 5, // The default number of days before the request expires (editable in UI)
index: true // Required for filters on Table Dashboard
// ...
Table Dashboard Config
handle: 'myDashboard',
// ...
baseFilters: [
{key: 'metadata.myBuyInHandle.workflow.expiryDate', range: {gte: 'now/d'}}, // Only showing documents with non-expired buy-in requests
{key: 'metadata.myBuyInHandle.workflow.status', term: 'requested'} // Additional status filter
columns: [
label: 'Buy-In',
minWidth: 400, // Recommended min. width
growFactor: 0,
priority: 1,
metadataPropertyName: 'buyIn',
editable: true
// ...