
Supported Features

Document Creation Flow
Push Message
Table Dashboard
Display Filter
Search Indexing
System Metadata
Webhook Conditions


Support for li-desknet-integration will eventually be removed.
Please use li-desknet-global instead.

This plugin is used to connect Desk-Net stories with Livingdocs documents. There are numerous options available to synchronise data between the two platforms. Further details can be found in the Desk-Net Platform Integration Guide.

Default UI

Document Metadata: Read-only link to Desk-Net distribution entry
Table Dashboard: Read-only Desk-Net publication/platform status

Storage Format

  id: <Integer>,
  publicationId: <Integer>,
  platformId: <Integer>,
  categoryId: <Integer>,
  publicationStatusId: <Integer>

Content Type Config

  handle: 'myContentType',
  // ...
  metadata: [
      handle: 'myHandle'
      type: 'li-desknet-integration',
      config: {
        publicationStatus: {
          fallbackPublicationStatusId: '2',
          // The order of matchers is important. The array is iterated through from first to last,
          // with the publicationStatusId taken from the earliest document state match.
          matchers: [
              type: 'publication',
              value: 'published', // Only 'published' supported
              publicationStatusId: '5'
              type: 'task',
              taskName: 'proofreading',
              value: 'completed', // 'requested', 'accepted', 'completed'
              publicationStatusId: '4'
              type: 'metadata',
              propertyName: 'prepared',
              value: true, // <String>, <Number>, <Boolean>, <Array>, <Object>
              publicationStatusId: '3'
      ui: {
        label: 'Desk-Net',
        config: {
          publicationStatus: {
            labels: [
                publicationStatusId: '5',
                label: 'Published',
                // optional, any SVG (ideally using viewBox)
                icon: '<svg viewBox="0 0 9 9" xmlns=""><path d="M0 0h9v9H0z"/></svg>',
                // optional, any CSS colour string
                color: '#f00'
    // ...