
Supported Features

Document Creation Flow
Push Message
Table Dashboard
Display Filter
Search Indexing
System Metadata
Webhook Conditions


This plugin will allow a user to select Desk-Net platforms and categories that they would like to view in the Desk-Net Schedule side panel. Once selected the Desk-Net button in the editor becomes active and the side panel can be opened. It is possible to lock the schedule to a specific date, as well as filter the Desk-Net stories that are displayed. Further details can be found in the Desk-Net Schedule Guide.

Default UI

Platform/category select and date input

Storage Format

  platforms: [
      platformId: <Integer>,
      categoryId: <Integer>
  date: <ISO8601 String>

Content Type Config

  handle: 'myContentType',
  // ...
  metadata: [
      handle: 'myHandle'
      type: 'li-desknet-schedule',
      config: {
        filters: {
          linkedDocumentsOnly: true,
          elementStatusIds: [1, 2, 10322, 10332],
          publicationStatusIds: [5]
        desknetExternalElementIdMetadataPath: '',
        automaticPlacementCreationFlowHandle: 'myDesknetGenerateContentFlow'
      ui: {
        label: 'Desk-Net Schedule',
        config: {
          placeholder: 'Select a Desk-Net platform or category',
          useDashboard: 'articlesSimple'
    // ...