
Supported Features

Document Creation Flow
Push Message
Table Dashboard
Display Filter
Search Indexing
System Metadata
Webhook Conditions


A li-document-reference metadata field shows a reference to another document. To select a document one gets provided a Document Selection Modal.

Display Filters support Added in: release-2023-09

Default UI

Selected document, or document selection dialog


Storage Format

  $ref: 'document',
  reference: {
    id: <String>

Content Type Config

  handle: 'myContentType',
  // ...
  metadata: [
      handle: 'myHandle'
      type: 'li-document-reference',
      config: {
        // common
        hideFromForm: false,                     // optional, default: false
        required: true,                          // optional, default: false
        requiredErrorMessage: 'Provide a value', // optional
        index: true,                             // optional, default: false. Added in: release-2023-07
        // specific
        documentType: 'article',                 // optional, one of article, page, data-record
        contentType: 'my-content-type',          // optional, filters the document selection
        published: true,                         // optional, shorthand for publication displayFilter, default: false
        prefillAuthor: true                      // optional, set value to document creator if the prefilling configuration for the current user exists, default: false. Added in: release-2023-09
      ui: {
        label: 'foo',         // optional, takes camelized handle otherwise
        config: {
          style: 'default',   // optional, defaults to 'default'. Other options: 'teaser' | 'minimal'
          useDashboard: '',   // optional, reference to a custom dashboard
          baseFilters: [],    // optional, invisible filters and applied to every search (including the default result list)
          displayFilters: [], // optional, filters that the user can set in the UI (below the search input)
          cacheSearch: false, // optional, used to persist search query and filters when reopening search dialog, default: false
          readOnly: false     // optional, default: false
    // ...