
Added in: release-2023-03

Notice: The li-estimated-time-of-completion plugin is only available if the Planning System is enabled.

Supported Features

Document Creation Flow
Push Message
Table Dashboard
Display Filter
Search Indexing
System Metadata
Webhook Conditions


The Estimated Time of Completion Metadata Plugin li-estimated-time-of-completion enables a user to set an estimated time of completion for the current document. The plugin is available in the Metadata Form.

Default UI

Metadata Form:

Estimated Time of Completion Metadata Plugin buttons Estimated Time of Completion Metadata Plugin single date Estimated Time of Completion Metadata Plugin date range

Storage Format

  date: <ISO8601 String>,   // for a single date
  after: <ISO8601 String>,  // for a date range - start date
  before: <ISO8601 String>, // for a date range - end date
  precision: <String>       // enum: ['date', 'datetime'] - is the date above saved as date or datetime

Content Type Config

  handle: 'myContentType',
  // ...
  metadata: [
      handle: 'myHandle'
      type: 'li-estimated-time-of-completion',
      config: {
        // common
        hideFromForm: false,                      // optional, default: false
        required: false,                          // optional, default: false
        requiredErrorMessage: 'Provide a value',  // optional
      ui: {
        label: 'Ready for publication',           // optional, takes camelized name otherwise
        config: {
          readOnly: false,                        // optional, default: false
    // ...