
References are stored for documents and media library entries. They indicate links from the document or entry to other content.

References for publications are currently available via Public API under Latest Publication API Beta and Latest Publications API Beta.

To find incoming references, which point to the document or media library entry that you specify, there are also endpoints available in the “Beta” section of the Public API. These endpoints can be particularly useful when working with statically generated sites, as they allow you to make decisions on which caches should be cleared when content changes.


Within document content

References extracted from the content of a document provide details of the item they are referencing (id and type) along with contextual information to help locate the reference within the document.

Include directive params

  type: 'document',
  id: '466',
  location: 'include-directive',
  componentId: 'doc-478e2',
  componentName: 'social-media-embed',
  directiveName: 'embed',
  serviceName: 'twitter-include',
  propertyName: 'document'

Include directive override

  type: 'document',
  id: '223',
  location: 'include-directive-override',
  componentId: 'doc-472ka3',
  componentName: 'article-teaser',
  directiveName: 'teaser',
  serviceName: 'document-teaser',
  overrideId: 'doc-9203a',
  overrideDirectiveName: 'title'


  type: 'image',
  id: 'eud8373',
  location: 'image-directive',
  componentId: 'a',
  componentName: 'image',
  directiveName: 'image'


  type: 'video',
  id: '9ojS1u2-wljb',
  location: 'video-directive',
  componentId: 'a',
  componentName: 'video',
  directiveName: 'video'
  type: 'document',
  id: '938',
  location: 'editable-directive',
  componentId: 'doc-a4729a',
  componentName: 'paragraph',
  directiveName: 'text'

Within metadata

References extracted from the metadata of a document or media library entry also provide details of the item they are referencing (id and type), but only require simple contextual information (location: 'metadata' and propertyName) to help locate the reference.


  type: 'document',
  id: '537',
  location: 'metadata',
  propertyName: 'author'


  type: 'documents',
  ids: ['537', '745'],
  location: 'metadata',
  propertyName: 'relatedDocuments'


  type: 'image',
  id: '48k2h38',
  location: 'metadata',
  propertyName: 'teaserImage'


  type: 'language-group',
  id: '4e5rt7',
  location: 'metadata',
  propertyName: 'language'