Composition API

Compose a Publication

Required scope: public-api:read


The Composition API loads a Publication with all required information to render a whole document/page with one request.

  • Make only one request to get all the required information to render a publication
  • High-performing and efficient preloading of references (e.g. lists, includes, other references)
  • Useful for a pull architecture
  • Deduplication of document teasers
  • The only endpoint which is able to resolve includes
Use Cases
  • Load a Publication with all required information to render a whole document/page within one request.
Curl Example
curl -k -X POST "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
  --data-binary @- << EOF
    "fields": ["systemdata", "content", "metadata", "includes", "html"]


POST api/beta/composition/:documentId


fieldsarray<string>A list of the properties which should be computed and returned.
Default: [‘systemdata’, ‘content’, ‘metadata’, ‘includes’, ‘html’, ‘design’]
metadata.preloadobjectYou can pass metadata properties which should be resolved.
This only works for properties of type ’li-document-reference’, ’li-document-references’, ’li-list-reference’ and ’li-tree’
Example: {metadata: {preload: {myProp: true}}}
resolveIncludesbooleanResolve includes. If true then ‘includes’ will be populated and includes will be resolved in the rendered html
renderOptions.renderDirectiveInfobooleanAdd attributes with the directive name to directive elements.
ignoreComponentConditionsbooleanProvides a way to opt out of component filtering and return all content regardless of whether each component passes the conditional checks.
Added in: release-2024-03
Default: false
componentConditionsstringJSON stringified object which contains the component conditions you would like to apply.
Added in: release-2024-03
Default: dateTime: new Date()
Example: ?componentConditions={"dateTime":"2024-02-14T17:25:10.391Z"}


  "systemdata": {
    "projectId": 1,
    "channelId": 1,
    "documentId": 1,
    "contentType": "article",
    "documentType": "article",
    "publicationId": 1,
    "firstPublicationDate": "2022-03-16T14:08:11:000Z",
    "significantPublicationDate": "2022-10-26T07:25:00.000Z",
    "visiblePublicationDate": "2022-10-27T06:00:00.000Z",
    "updatedAt": "2023-03-18T16:32:04.170Z",
    "design": {
      "name": "timeline",
      "version": "1.1.0"
  "content": [
      "id": "doc-1b8i1ksh10",
      "component": "head",
      "identifier": "timeline.head",
      "content": {
        "title": "a title",
        "text": "some lead"
      "id": "doc-2c95a77x14",
      "component": "teaser",
      "identifier": "timeline.teaser",
      "content": {
        "embed-teaser": {
          "service": "embed-teaser",
          "params": {
            "document": {
              "$ref": "document",
              "reference": {
                "id": 7
  "metadata": {
    "title": "a title",
    "description": "some lead",
    "topic": {
      "$ref": "document",
      "reference": {
        "id": "5"
      "isPreloaded": true,
      "value": {
        "metadata": {
          "title": "Another title"
        "systemdata": {
          "projectId": 1,
          "channelId": 1,
          "documentId": 5,
          "contentType": "article",
          "documentType": "article",
          "publicationId": 7,
          "firstPublicationDate": "2022-03-16T14:08:11:000Z",
          "significantPublicationDate": "2022-10-26T07:25:00.000Z",
          "visiblePublicationDate": "2022-10-27T06:00:00.000Z",
          "updatedAt": "2023-03-18T17:32:04.170Z",
          "design": {
            "name": "timeline",
            "version": "1.1.0"
  "includes": [
      "componentId": "doc-2c95a77x14",
      "directiveName": "embed-teaser",
      "resolvedValue": {
        "content": [
            "id": "ref-7",
            "component": "p",
            "content": {
              "text": "Some text."
  "html": "<div>...</div>"