Document Command API

Added in: release-2023-11

Execute Commands on Documents

Required scope: public-api:write


Execute a Document Command based on its id. All commands run in a single transaction.
Curl Example
curl -k -X PATCH "" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
  --data-binary @- << EOF
    "commands": [{"operation": "setMetadataProperty", "propertyName": "title", "value": "updated title"}]


PATCH api/v1/documents/:id/commands


versionintegerCurrent document version. When set on update the version is checked.
preconditionsarrayAn array of preconditions for command execution. If a precondition assertion fails, no commands are executed and the request responds with a 429 Conflict status.

Each entry is an object with at least a type property.

Possible types:
- isPublished: Document is currently public
- isPublishedAndHasNoChanges: Document is currently public and has no changes since last publish

See further details in example requests.
commandsarrayxAn array of commands to execute. Each entry is an object with at least an operation property.

Possible operations:
- setMetadataProperty
- setEditableDirective
- setTitle
- insertComponent Added in: release-2024-05
- removeComponent Added in: release-2024-07
- publish
- unpublish Added in: release-2024-07

See further details in example requests.

Example Request

  "version": 1,
  "preconditions": [
    // Asserts that the document is published or
    // unpublished based on the value property.
    {"type": "isPublished", "value": true}

    // Asserts that the document is published and
    // has no changes since last publish.
    // {"type": "isPublishedAndHasNoChanges"}
  "commands": [
      // Update a single metadata property.
      "operation": "setMetadataProperty",
      "propertyName": "title",
      "value": "updated title", // send null to delete metadata property
      "oldValue": "previous title" // optional, for conflict detection (not necessary when sending document version too)
      // Sets the content of an editable directive.
      "operation": "setEditableDirective",
      "componentId": "doc-1a2b3c4d5",
      "directiveName": "headline",
      "value": "updated headline"
      // Sets the title property on a document (might be overruled by displayTitlePattern on read).
      "operation": "setTitle",
      "value": "updated title",
      "oldValue": "previous title"
      // Inserts a new component into the document content.
      "operation": "insertComponent",
      "componentId": "doc-custom-123456",
      "componentName": "paragraph",
      "content": {
        "text": "Some text"
      "position": {
        "parentComponentId": "doc-4a2b3g4d5", // Omit to insert into document root
        "parentContainerName": "children", // Omit to insert into document root,
        "previousComponentId": "doc-1a2b3c4d5", // To insert after component with this id
        "nextComponentId": "doc-1a2b3c4d5", // To insert before component with this id
      // Removes a component from the document content.
      // Does not work if component or parent component has `position: 'fixed'`
      "operation": "removeComponent",
      "componentId": "doc-4a2b3g4d5"
      // Creates a new publication for the document if applicable
      "operation": "publish"
      // Unpublishes the document if it was published before.
      // Cannot be used with "publish" command in same request.
      "operation": "unpublish"


  "status": 204
Bad Request
  "status": 400,
  "error": "Bad Request",
  "error_details": {
    "commands.0.operation": "value of tag \"operation\" must be in oneOf",
    "commandIndex": 0
// or
  "status": 400,
  "error": "Bad Request",
  "error_details": {
    "message": "Command at index 0 failed: Metadata property \"notExistingProperty\" does not exist",
    "commandIndex": 0
// or
  "status": 400,
  "error": "Bad Request",
  "error_details": {
    "message": "Command at index 0 failed: Component with id doc-00000000 and directive name title does not exist on document with id 123",
    "commandIndex": 0
Not Found
  "status": 404,
  "error": "Not Found",
  "error_details": {
    "name": "NotFound",
    "message": "Document Not Found"
  "status": 409,
  "error": "Conflict",
  "error_details": {
    "name": "Conflict",
    "message": "The document you tried to update is outdated",
    "expectedVersion": 1,
    "currentVersion": 2
// or
  "status": 409,
  "error": "Conflict",
  "error_details": {
    "name": "Conflict",
    "message": "Precondition failed: 'isPublished'"