
Import Videos

Required scope: public-api:write


The video import does both create and update videos. The import remembers the externalId / systemName pair and if an import matches an existing pair, it will update (Hint: consider how to rebuild the externalId when you want to update videos). The video import in Livingdocs is asynchronous. You post a batch of videos that you want to import and get back an id with which you can query later to get your result.

Use Cases
Curl Example
curl -k -X POST "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
  --data-binary @- << EOF
    "systemName": "identifier-for-your-system",
    "webhook": "",
    "videos": [
        "url": "",
        "id": "123abc",
        "fileName": "sample",
        "metadata": {
          "title": "sample video"
          "credit": "LC"


POST api/v1/import/videos


systemNamestringxIdentifier for the system you are importing from, e.g. an archive.
webhookuriEndpoint at the importing system that gets notified by POST when import job is done. Notification contains the id of the import job, the state and an overview.
contextobjectAn object that is passed as context in the body of the request to the webhook. Limited to 8192 Bytes.
videosarrayxAn array of videos to import. Each entry is an object with the following keys, all of which are required:

url: a URL to an video record, no data urls allowed, must be an video, allowed types: png, jpg, gif, svg
id: a unique id (stored as externalId in Livingdocs) that identifies the video on your end, must be unique within your project
fileName: the title that the video should get in livingdocs
metadata: An object of metadata according to your project config

Example Request

  "systemName": "identifier-for-your-system",
  "webhook": "",
  "context": {
    "myIdentifier": "some-identifier-sent-to-the-webhook"
  "videos": [
      "url": "",
      "id": "123abc",
      "fileName": "foo",
      "metadata": {
        "title": "sample video",
        "credit": "LC"


  "id": "25bzj8j"
Usage Limit Exceeded
    "status": 429,
    "error": "Usage Limit Exceeded",
    "error_details": {
      "message": "Your plan does not allow you to upload more than 100 per day.\n      You already uploaded 99 in the last 24 hours and are trying to upload 10 more.\n      Please try again later."